Dutch Network Newsletter - November 2022 Edition
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Netherlands Association "Je Maintiendrai"
November 2022 Dutch Network Newsletter
Welcome to the Dutch Network November 2022 Newsletter!

WORLD CUP! HUP HOLLAND HUP! Got my Oranje all laundered and ready to go. We also get to enjoy the Canadian National Team 🍁 being there as well, double the fun, at least for the group stage. 😉 Can you tell I'm excited! 

Also, Sinterklaas is on his way soon, check out the information below.
This month, our regular contributors Barbara & Peter Buree continue Hollandse uitdrukkingen en gezegden with expressions related to light. The poem is "Casselkoeien" by Guido Gezelle. Our regular humorous video section features "Greg Shapiro's 'Climate News Comedy' New Dutch Power Generation" [English]. This month Emily Wight has a recipe for "Kandeel", a cozy seasonal beverage. From Jacqueline Vermaas, we have a story titled "Just Call me Tiger". We have a great newsletter this month, with lots of great content, so dive in.

In addition, we have:
  • EVENT Report: Dutch Network Indonesian Dinner
  • Sinterklaas 2022: Event Details
  • WORLD CUP 2022: Group Stage, links.
  • CAANS - Ballet BC 15% discount on Tickets,
  • CAANS - ADFF Film: A World to Shape
  • CAANS - Movies That Matter: The Territory
  • DUTCH NETWORK RADIO: Dutch Connections on CJCN FM 91.5, every Saturday at 8 AM
  • ARTICLE: Follow up on Dan Poelman's Opa's Military awards
  • Dutch Library
  • ARTICLE: "Americans Are Fake and the Dutch Are Rude!"
  • Dutch Pub Nights
  • Koffieclub NEWS
  • Morning Nature Walks
We start this newsletter with a message from the President.

  November  2 - Dutch Pub Night - Langley 🍻
  November  3 - Men Make Dinner Day
  November  3 - CAANS Event: Brown Social Club & Ballet
  November  9 - Dutch Pub Night - Dewdney 🍻
  November 11 - REMEMBERANCE DAY 
  November 12 - CANNS Event: ADFF - Architectual & Design Film Festival (discount)
  November 13 - CANNS Event: VIFF Movies That Matter: The Territory (free event)
  November 16 - Dutch Pub Night - Vancouver 🍻
  November 20 - FIFA WORLD CUP 2022 Starts
  November 21 - World Cup Group: SENEGAL v NETHERLANDS  8am
  November 22 - World Cup Group: BELGIUM v CANADA  11am
  November 24 - World Cup Group: NETHERLANDS v ECUADOR  8am
  November 26 - SINTERKLAAS
  November 26 - World Cup Group: CROATIA v CANADA  8am
  November 29 - World Cup Group: NETHERLANDS v QATAR  7am
  November Events in Vancouver in 2022
  December 1 - World Cup Group: CANADA v MOROCCO  7am
  December 3 - World Cup ROUND of 16 Starts

Thank you and enjoy,
Tony van Houten
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Beste leden,
Oktober was een belangrijke maand voor de vereniging. Op 18 oktober organiseerden we een succesvolle AGM waar leden stemden voor ons 2023 budget en een nieuw bestuur. Tijdens de AGM heb ik het voorzitter’s verslag gepresenteerd, dat u hier veilig kunt downloaden: We hebben twee leden uit het bestuur die zijn afgetreden en er zijn geen nieuwe bestuursleden. Namens de hele vereniging wil ik Rosa Dane en Peter Vanderkooy bedanken voor hun kostbare tijd en inzet voor de vereniging in het afgelopen jaar. Het is zeer gewaardeerd. Ik kijk ernaar uit om het geweldige werk voort te zetten met ons fantastische team.
De volgende dag organiseerde uw vereniging de eerste jaarlijkse DN Kumpulan, die plaatsvond in restaurant Banana Leaf Kitsilano. Het was een exclusieve bijeenkomst voor leden van Dutch Network om de Indonesische cultuur te vieren met een Indonesisch diner. De nieuwe Consul Generaal, Sebastiaan Messerschmidt, was aanwezig om zich persoonlijk aan onze leden voor te stellen. Daarnaast ontving een van onze bestuursleden, Dan Poelman, namens zijn grootvader een speciale medaille en erkenning van de Consul-Generaal voor zijn heldhaftige deelname tijdens WO II. De Poelman familie was aanwezig en anderen waardeerden het om de ceremonie bij te wonen en de medaille te zien. Het werd inderdaad een heel bijzonder evenement. Ik wil graag Barbara en Peter Buree bedanken voor het hosten van het evenement.
En nu zien we langzaam het einde van het jaar tegemoet. We gaan een magisch seizoen in. Ik heb voorkennis uit Spanje dat Sinterklaas Vancouver opnieuw zal bezoeken. Als u en uw kinderen Sinterklaas willen zien, bezoek De Esdoorn’s website of Facebookpagina voor meer informatie. En mijn meest populaire onderdeel van het seizoen zijn de chocoladeletters en gevulde speculaas in de Holland Shopping Centre.
Uw bestuursleden wensen u een fijne november.
Dear members,
October was an important month for the association. On October 18, we hosted a successful AGM, where members voted on our 2023 budget and a new Board. During the AGM, I presented my President’s report, which you can download securely here: We had two members resign from the Board, and there are no new Board members. On behalf of the entire association, I want to thank Rosa Dane and Peter Vanderkooy for donating their precious time and efforts to the association and the Board over the last year. It is very much appreciated. I look forward to continuing great work with the fantastic team on your Board.
The following day, your association hosted the first annual DN Kumpulan, which took place at the Banana Leaf Kitsilano restaurant. It was an exclusive gathering for Dutch Network members to celebrate Indonesia through an Indonesian dinner. The new Consul General, Sebastiaan Messerschmidt, was present to introduce himself personally to our members. In addition, one of our Board members, Dan Poelman, received a special medal and recognition from the Consul General on behalf of his grandfather for his heroic participation during WWII. Many Poelman family members were present, and others appreciated participating in the ceremony and viewing the medal. It became a very special meeting indeed. I would like to thank Barbara and Peter Buree for hosting the event.
And here we are, moving slowly toward the end of the year. We are now entering a magical season. I have inside information from Spain that Sinterklaas will revisit Vancouver. If you and your children are interested in seeing Sinterklaas, please visit De Esdoorn’s website or Facebook page for more information. And my most popular part of the season is the chocolate letters and gevulde speculaas at the Holland Shopping Centre.
Your Board members wish you a wonderful November.
John van Rij
President/Voorzitter Dutch Network


The Dutch Network had a successful AGM on October 18. Members joined via the Zoom platform. John read the President's report reviewing the year and the many activities. Finances were reviewed and a proposed budget was passed. Finally, a new board was elected. The organization is in good shape for the 2022/ 2023 year.

This year's board members are:
John van Rij: President
Eva van Gunsteren: Vice president
Barbara Buree: secretary, membership
Peter Buree: treasurer
Jette Warman: board member, scavenger hunt, coffee club, pub night
Noud de Rover: website
Tony van Houten: newsletter editor
Dan Poelman: Yukon
Rick de Looff: member-at-large
Adriana Zylmans: member-at-large
As John pointed out one does not need to be on the Board to get involved in activities. Peter Vanderkooy stepped down from the board but will lead the Vancouver pub nights (3rd Wednesday of the month). Jeannette and Aryan organize a bike ride. Sylvia is doing some of the social media; vele handen maken licht werk!
The board is guided by its constitution; a good time to have a look at it: (it's a short and easy read).
The purpose of the Association is:
To represent, promote and celebrate the traditions, culture and language of the Netherlands;
To promote social activities and to further the unity of its members;
To strengthen social cohesion by linking generations;
To assist newcomers of Dutch origin to Canada and its way of life;
To create, provide and promote opportunities for the members of the Association of all generations to meet socially on a regular basis; and
To establish and maintain contact with the Netherlands and with other associations, clubs and societies in the world having similar purposes.
Cultural celebrations such as Sinterklaas, Dodenherdenking and of course Koningsdag are the most important cultural celebrations in the Netherlands; Koningsdag 2022 was awesome and attended by over 400 Dutchies. Other social activities such as bike rides, pub nights, the scavenger hunt allow dutchies of all ages to get-together. The free library at the Holland Shopping Centre is the only Dutch library in Metro Vancouver. And the board works with other Dutch organizations and supports their activities! The President's report provides much more detail. (link here).
If you are not a member of the Dutch Network yet do join and be part of a dynamic group celebrating all things Dutch.
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Dutch Network Kumpulan - Indonesian Dinner Event Report

My busy job often gets in the way of attending Dutch Network's events, even as a board member. One event I certainly didn't want to miss was the Kumpulan Indonesian dinner, and I was glad I was able to make it.
Kumpulan means gathering and it was a wonderful opportunity to mingle with and meet other Dutch Network members. The special guests were Mr. Sebastiaan Messerschmidt, our new Consul General to Vancouver, and the Poelman family.
Once everyone was seated and enjoying their drinks, the event started with a welcome speech from the Consul General. He then proceeded with the highlight of the evening: the ceremony to honour our own Dan Poelman's grandfather. Sebastiaan Messerschmidt gave an impassioned speech about the military service of Dan’s grandfather, Karel Poelman. The Mobilisatie-Oorlogskruis (Mobilization War Cross) was awarded posthumously to Karel Frederik Poelman as a sign of respect and gratitude for his service and sacrifice as a soldier before and during the Second World War. In addition, the Ereteken voor Orde en Vrede (Badge of Honour and Peace) that had already been awarded to Karel Poelman in 1948 was presented to Dan and his family. At this point, everyone had received a glass of bubbly and we all toasted to this memorable moment. And then the food came!
There were several courses with salad, meat, and fish; there was delicious Nasi Goreng, Bami, Saté, Gado Gado -- and fried bananas for dessert.
After dinner, most people stayed for another drink and more socializing. It was a great evening and well worth the drive from the far end of the Valley.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank Barbara and Peter Buree, our secretary and treasurer, and John van Rij, our president (who unfortunately couldn't attend), for organizing this event.

Rick De Looff
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Sinterklaas 2022

We are very happy to let you know that De Esdoorn, Dutch Language and Culture School, and the Dutch Network have taken over the organization of the Sinterklaas event for 2022.

This post will be the last message on this website. You can find all the information on Eventbrite.

As this is the first time that the two organizations organize this event together, we would like to let you know that the event will be a different than the in-person events in the past. As the location in Cloverdale was not available, the event is scaled down to a maximum capacity of 130 people for the first year (compared to the 400 people capacity). The event will focus more on the children and families.
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“Real Estate buying or selling is a complicated process. Today, more than ever, there are many moving parts; Citizenship/Residency/International Immigration/Taxes/Title/Contracts and more. Selecting a Realtor® / Makelaar based on trust, privacy with confidence might be your first step, you can always reach out, no obligations, for a first or second opinion” Peter 
Available a monthly Newsletter / Market Update,; Click Here

100 Great World Cup Moments

Countdown continues...

World Cup Groups

Dutch Archives Committee seeks your help!

During the last seventy years, members of the Dutch Community in Vancouver have undertaken many significant initiatives.  Several diverse non-profit organizations, societies, and associations were established and terminated.  For some of the Dutch community groups, there is little to no written archival information or documents to refer to that describe their history or story. 

Now, the existence, contributions and purpose of these Dutch community groups is of great interest to the current generation of Dutch members.  Therefore, Erik van der Ven and Adriana Zylmans are taking the initiative to establish a Dutch Archives Committee.  The purpose of the committee is to collect archival documents to construct a data base of information about these past Dutch community groups that have operated in the Vancouver Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and/or throughout British Columbia. 

We are looking for more information related to Dutch activities. At this time, we know of the following non-profit organizations, societies and associations that have operated in British Columbia.
  1. Netherlands Centennial Carillon in Victoria 1967
  2. Alle “bevrijding” festiviteiten vanaf 50 jaar jubileum tot heden (50-55-60-65 en 70th)
  3. Je Maintiendrai “Home Society” (registered in 1972)
  4. Holland House in New Westminster
  5. Vancouverden Court – Sitka Square
  6. BC Housing and Humana Housing Society
  7. Netherlands Association for Senior Care (NASC) – Haro Park Centre
  8. NBA – Netherlands Businessmen Association (later NPBA)
  9. Social group “Holland House” (1994 ? --)
  10. Social group “Indonesian Veterans” ?
  11. The Holland Revisited Society 1945 - 1995
  12. CAANS (Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies)
To assist us, we are asking for your help to collect information and materials that will support the building of a more in-depth Dutch archival history.  If there are documents in your possession, such as agendas of meetings, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, pictures, video/film, pamphlets, publications etc., the Dutch Archives Committee is interested in receiving them.  

Please contact Erik van der Ven at or call him at 778-846-8727, if you have any information to donate to the Dutch archives.

Thank you for your efforts to help us construct a formal history of the Dutch initiatives undertaken by our Dutch immigrants in British Columbia.  
Dutch Network is pleased to introduce a family membership. Many people in our community asked for this. Families, including a maximum of two adults, are now able to obtain membership at $50.00 per year. A single membership remains $35.00 annually.
Your Dutch Network works for the entire Dutch community in British Columbia. Many who receive our monthly newsletter and participate in our events are non-members of the Dutch Network. If you enjoy what we do, please become a member today. It is thanks to your annual contribution through a membership that we can put together quality events for everyone to enjoy. Thank you!
Dutch Network introduceert met genoegen een gezinslidmaatschap. Veel mensen hebben hierom gevraagd. Gezinnen, waaronder maximaal twee volwassenen, kunnen nu lid worden voor $ 50,00 per jaar. Een enkel lidmaatschap blijft $ 35,00 per jaar.
Uw Dutch Network werkt voor de hele Nederlandse gemeenschap in British Columbia. Velen die onze maandelijkse nieuwsbrief ontvangen en deelnemen aan onze evenementen zijn geen lid van Dutch Network. Als je geniet van wat we doen, word dan vandaag nog lid. Dankzij uw jaarlijkse bijdrage via een lidmaatschap kunnen we kwaliteitsevenementen samenstellen waar iedereen van kan genieten. Alvast bedankt!

Dutch Network Annual Membership | Dutch Network Greater Vancouver
Just call me Tiger
It was in late spring, this year, that we finally had some normalcy in our Restaurant again. More tables were put back on the floor and our Buffet Table was back, but now only used as a communal table. It was quite a busy Friday afternoon in our hotel. People were checking in and while waiting for their rooms, they came to our Restaurant for some food and/or drinks.
My shift was almost over. I was trying to finish some of my tables, when I turned around and somebody walked into the Restaurant, not waiting for the Hostess, and sat down at the communal table, which was part of my section. I asked him politely, if somebody had sat him here, which I knew that wasn't the case, but I wanted him to know, he should have waited for the Hostess.
He shook his head, gave me his biggest smile, and pointed out that he had just arrived at our hotel with his wife, and he was so hungry that he couldn't wait any longer. Well, what could I say? He was a real charmer, so I relented and handed him a menu.
I kept thinking that I knew him somehow from a long time ago, but I couldn't think of his name. When I returned with his coffee, he asked me, how long I had been working here in the Hotel, because he remembered me from The Spanish Grill, that used to be located on the Hornby side. And then it all came back to me.
"You are Tiger Williams," I said, "I remember you too!"
"I got kind of worried." he said laughing, "And please call me Tiger. I remember you from working at the counters there, when I used to come in with the team after a game." Now it was my turn to laugh. I told him how impressed I was, he remembered me, because that was quite a "few" decades ago.
In those days, when a team was in town, and stayed in our hotel, they would come after their game for dinner and always occupy the counters. And afterwards take off to The Cave, a well-known Nightclub on Hornby Street or Annabelle's downstairs in The Four Seasons Hotel. I told him that I also remembered that he was one of the nicest guys in those days. Always polite and patient and waiting for his order to be taken and never complained that his meal was taking too long.
Well, he certainly enjoyed that comment, but it was the truth. Compared to some of the other players on different teams, he was a real gentleman. Some comments that were made then would be unacceptable now. I took his order and back in the kitchen, one of my colleagues asked me if I knew whom I was waiting on. "Of course," I said, "Tiger and I go way back, over thirty years ago, I served him in another Restaurant." That gave them something to talk about when I left the kitchen.
After Tiger finished his meal, we talked a little more. I noticed that some of our guests recognized him, he smiled at them and nodded his head. How gracious was that. He took coffee back to his room for himself and his wife and he asked me if I was working the next day. I told him that I was here for the breakfast and lunch service, and then I was going to be off for a couple of days. We shook hands and Tiger promised to come back with his wife and friends.
And he did! The next day, Saturday, they came in for Brunch and he requested my section. He introduced me to his wife and his long-time friends. They all used to be neighbours, many years ago, when they were living in West Vancouver.
We were extremely busy that Saturday, but between serving tables I still tried to find time to talk to Tiger. His friends remembered the Spanish Grill very well too. I explained again how gracious Tiger had been, when coming in with his team players for their late meals. The couple were not surprised, because when Tiger used to be their neighbour in West Vancouver, he was loved by the whole neighbourhood. He always made time for all the kids there and was the first one to help anybody out if they needed a hand with something. Such a great guy!
They all truly enjoyed their time together and the Brunch but at the end I was too busy to properly say goodbye to all of them. I rushed into the kitchen with all my dirty dishes and when I came out again, there was Tiger waiting for me. He gave me the biggest hug and said how much they had enjoyed their meals and the service, and he would definitely come back again.
And he did that too! A month or two ago, I had been off for three days, my colleague who came in to take my section over asked me if I knew Tiger Williams. "Of course," I said, "We go way back. Why?" Gordon looked surprised. "Really?" he said, "Well, he was here for dinner with his wife, and he was asking for you. I told him that you were on your days off. And he told me to say hello to you and hopefully to catch you on his next visit."
"Oh wow," I answered, "That was so nice of him." But to tell you the truth I wasn't surprised at all. Tiger Williams, The Enforcer, in those days, was one of the nicest guys then and still has this great, kind personality.
Jacqueline Vermaas
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Recipe: Kandeel

Kandeel is a sweet mulled wine slightly thickened with egg yolks that is traditionally served to celebrate a new baby. However, with a flavour that lands somewhere between apple pie and eggnog, it’s very seasonally appropriate right now and perfect for a cozy afternoon spent indoors. The best part? You do not need (or want!) an expensive bottle of wine to pull this off; a cheap, low-alcohol sweet German Riesling or a light Moscato is perfect here. This pairs well with a plate of cookies and a good book, but will work anytime you need something sweet and warm (I enjoyed mine after a brisk walk through an atmospheric river).

Makes 6 servings



  • 1 bottle (3 cups / 750mL) sweet white wine
  • 1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
  • 2 whole star anise
  • 1 lemon, sliced into rounds
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 6 cinnamon sticks


Stir wine and sugar together in a saucepan over medium heat. Add star anise and lemon slices and bring to a gentle simmer before turning heat down to low. Cook for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, whisk together egg yolks, vanilla, and ground cinnamon. Place cinnamon sticks into six wine glasses or teacups.
Remove lemon slices and star anise from wine mixture.

While whisking egg yolks, pour half of the hot wine in a thin stream directly from the pot. Return the pot to the heat and pour contents of the bowl back into the pot, continuing to whisk for about three minutes, or until egg yolks are cooked and the mixture has slightly thickened.

Pour from the pot directly into prepared wine glasses or teacups and serve hot.

Emily Wight
You can follow Emily on Facebook, Instagram or her Website
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The Dutch Cultural Association of BC is pleased to support Ballet BC performance at Queen Elizabeth Theatre on Thursday, November 3 by Dutch choreographers Imre & Marne van Opstal

Dutch artist duo and siblings Imre and Marne van Opstal make their Ballet BC debut with a new commission and co-production with Helsinki-based Tero Saarinen Company.

Join us

Before the ballet performance, come to Browns Social House and say "hallo" and have a drink - applies - or dinner with other CAANS/DCABC members at 6 pm. Please RSVP so that we can reserve seats at the restaurant.

For Ballet BC tickets click HERE.
Ballet BC has graciously offered the Dutch Cultural Association of BC/CAANS a 15% DISCOUNT on tickets for this event with the code: VANOPSTAL15 

ADFF - Architectural & Design Film Festival
Join us on Nov. 12 at 6:30 pm to watch
Film: A World to Shape
A New Generation of Contemporary Dutch Designers: 
Nienke Hoogvliet (1989) and Dave Hakkens (1988) 

This generation is acutely aware that raw materials are depleting, energy is scarce, and globalization is driving new forms of small-scale production. As makers, they don’t care about existing boundaries between art, design and science.

In a WORLD to SHAPE, director Ton van Zantvoort guides you through the respective ingenuity of Nienke and Dave. 

Nienke’s mission is to make the world’s second most polluting industry – the clothing industry – more sustainable. She is currently working on sustainable applications of seaweed, such as using it to make paint. Dave’s ambition is equally ambitious. His Kamp project attempts to establish a living and working community that uses a minimal carbon footprint. He has created a blueprint for a new society and made it open source so that anyone can adopt and improve the ideas. Where many people might see problems, Nienke and Dave envisage solutions. A World to Shape - tickets &  film trailer

ADFF - Architectural & Design Film Festival is generously offering us a discount code for our members. The DISCOUNT code is: DCABC. 

Join us for Movies That Matter

 on Dec. 13 from 7pm to 9:30pm at VIFF Centre to watch

  film: The Territory

Film by Alex Pritz 

The small and shrinking indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau people in the Amazon are threatened by land grabbers. They choose 18-year-old Bitaté as their leader, and together with activist Neidinha he is determined not to roll over. But when Jair Bolsonaro becomes president, the forces attacking them get free reign. 

Registration for this FREE event: register for Movies that Matter
Trailer: The Territory
Produced by The Consulate General of The Netherlands in association with DCABC.
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Dutch Network's on-air radio show “Dutch Connections”

Ready to tune-in??  Sponsored by the Dutch Network, listen live to Dutch Connections Radio with Host Harma Volders every Saturday morning from 8 am to 9 am PST.  Through the radio show, Harma connects the Dutch-Canadian Community with music and current affairs; showcasing diversity of talent, entrepreneurship, and community leadership.  If you wish to provide input and /or feedback regarding the Dutch Radio Program use the appropriate email address below.   
Email address Dutch Connections:
Email address Contests:
Email address:
There are many ways to listen to our Dutch Connections Radio program:
Listen Live:
1.   Radio: Set radio dial to 91.5 FM Connect FM in the greater Vancouver area
2.   Computer: Go to the website:
3.   Apps: to listen to radio shows on your phone, tablet or PC: look up Connect FM 91.5
Website address: 
4.   Replays: These will be posted on the Dutch Network website soon but for now they are posted on Facebook and a radio link will be a standard item in the monthly Dutch Network Newsletter, in the Whatsapp group called Dutchies in Van & Beyond or at this website:
Use this to search for the updated listing #DutchConnectionsRadioList
5.  Dutch Connections Radio will also have a link on the website of the Dutch
Liberation 2020 Canadian Society

ARTICLE: "Recognition for former soldiers of the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army (KNIL)" ~ Follow up article

Original Article Here
From: Dan Poelman
Date: October 23, 2022 at 15:03:10 GMT-7
To: Roel Rijks
Subject: Opa was recognized by Honourable Consul General Mr Sebastiaan Messerschmidt

Dear Roel,
As you may recall, I’m a member of the Dutch Network (DN) The association recently had an event called the Kumpulan (gathering) and I met with about 30 other members, family & friends at a restaurant to enjoy Lekker Indisch Eten.
In addition, all members present got to witness a special occasion coordinated & organized by DN President John van Rij, and the super wife & husband team of Barbara & Peter Buree. Essentially two occasions (dinner & award presentation) in one evening.
Prior to this lovely dinner, our host Peter & Barbara introduced the newly arrived Consul General Sebastiaan Messerschmidt who had 2 functions that evening: 
1) to introduce himself & explain his role to our members (he arrived with his family about 6 weeks ago to his new post here in Vancouver, Canada).
And 2) he presented the military medals to me and my family. 
This lovely charismatic gentleman provided history and context on a personal level but also what meaning our Opa had to for his service during WW2 in the former Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) for the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
It was a great evening on the 19th October 2022 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and was lucky to share this occasion with family and members & friends of the DN association. 
I’m attaching some photos in this email.
If possible with you, I’ll send you photos & videos on WhatsApp!
Thank you to John, Barbara & Peter - very great full. 
Thank you to Mr Messerschmidt - beautiful and touching presentation.
Last but not least - Roel Rijks and the important organization that you belong to.
Oprichter/Vrijwilliger Comité Ereschuld Onderscheidingen
Bestuurslid Stichting Herdenkingsmonument Militairen 

If wasn’t for your dedicated time and effort, this important family discovery would’ve never happened.
I’m truly indebted.
With sincere gratitude and love.
Dan Poelman 
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PureOrange ~ Import ~ Investments ~ Partnerships

Dutch Library Update 🌷🌷

We have a ton of books in storage!!!!  With Covid restrictions lightening up we can start getting more books out to you. 

We want to stock the books that you are interested in, so let us know what subjects you are interested in via our survey.

Current Library locations are open for book pick-ups during their regular business hours.

Currently looking for a bookshelf location in Vancouver or North Vancouver. If you would like to host space for use to place a bookshelf and books, contact us at
Please check Facebook for the latest listing of books delivered to:

The Holland Shopping Centre
141 E Columbia St, New Westminster, BC V3L 3V9

Hollandse uitdrukkingen en gezegden

by Barbara & Peter Buree 
Nu komen ze weer, die donkere dagen voor de kerst. In Nederland is er een discussie over kerstverlichting wegens de hoge energie prijzen. Misschien wat minder of korter maar het bonte licht maakt voor een gezellige sfeer, dus toch doen. Licht in het donker brengen was altijd belangrijk en er zijn festivals met licht in vele culturen. En uiteraard uitdrukkingen met licht. Dus vooruit dan maar: als een lichtje 💡 opgaat bij iemand dan begrijpt die iets. Om iets duidelijk te maken moet je het licht erop laten schijnen. En als er een probleem is komt licht in de duisternis als je een oplossing ziet. Iets aan het licht brengen kan minder leuk zijn als iets bekend wordt dat je liever in het verborgen wilde houden. Zeker waar: een vriendelijk gezicht brengt overal licht. Het licht zien betekent ook geboren te zijn. En een bijzonder leuke: een grote lantaarn, een klein licht… als iemand veel praat met weinig begrip. Die is dan zeker geen groot licht. Het tegenovergestelde van zwaar is licht en dus zijn er uitdrukkingen met iets lichter maken. Bvb: de benen lichten betekent weggaan, net als de anker lichten, en de lade lichten is geld uit de lade halen. De beurs lichten betekent geld stelen en iemand de voeten lichten doe je als je iemand een baan afneemt. Nou wij laten nu deze artikel het licht zien (het wordt gepubliceerd) en sluiten met een oude wijsheid: vele handen maken licht werk.
Nog een fijne November toegewenst 
Peter en Barbara Buree

Aanschouw mij, hier en daar,
die bende Casselkoeien
die louter bruin van haar,
als zoveel bloemen bloeien,
in ’t gers en in de zon, die, zinkend henentiet
die, rood, het rode veld, vol rode vonken giet.
’t Is prachtig overal,
’t Is prachtig, hoe de huiden
dier koeien liefgetal
van vouwe en verwen luiden;
’t is prachtig hoe ze staan, gebeiteld en gesneên,
lijk beelden, over heel die wijde weide heen.
Daar zijnder, rood als vier;
kastanjebruin geboende;
naar donkerbaaide bier,
naar bijkans zwart bier doende;
beglinsterd en beglansd: van vel en verwigheid,
gelijk en ongelijk, - terwijl de zonne beidt

Guido Pieter Theodorus Josephus Gezelle (1 May 1830 – 27 November 1899)
Whoever talks about literary New Year's poems in the Low Countries will quickly end up with Guido Gezelle. Born in Bruges, West Flanders, Gezelle was an influential writer and poet and a Roman Catholic priest from Belgium. He is famous for the use of the West Flemish dialect. He tried to develop an independent Flemish language, more or less separate from the general Dutch language, which had certain more "Hollandic" aspects. The Dutch he used in his poems was heavily influenced by the local West Flemish dialect. For his linguistic mastery, Gezelle is considered one of the most important poets of Dutch literature.
The Flemish writer Stijn Streuvels (Frank Lateur) was a nephew of him. Gezelle was ordained a priest in 1854, and worked as a teacher at the Minor Seminary, Roeselare. He was always interested in all things in English and became the chaplain to the English Convent, Bruges. He died there in a small room, where it is still forbidden to enter.

ARTICLE: Americans Are Fake and the Dutch Are Rude!

By Batja Mesquita in Behavioral Scientist Magazine
September 26, 2022
Do all human beings have emotions, just like we all have noses or hands? Our noses have different shapes and sizes but when all is said and done they help us breathe, and let us sniff and smell the world around us. Our hands can be big or small, strong or weak, but regardless they help us touch, grasp, hold, and carry.

Does the same hold for emotions? Is it true that emotions can look different but, in the end, we all have the same emotions—​that deep inside, everybody is like yourself? It would mean that once you take the time to get to know somebody, you will recognize and comprehend the feelings of people who have different backgrounds, speak different languages, come from other communities or cultures. But are other people angry, happy, and scared, just like you? And are your feelings just like theirs? I do not think so.

The first time I became aware that my emotions were not like those of people from another culture was when I moved to the United States. I was raised in the Netherlands, and, save some short ventures to other European countries, that was where I had lived until I was about 30 years old. In many ways, my transition was easy. My English was conversational when I first came to the States, because I had used it professionally. My American colleagues at the University of Michigan could not have been nicer. The day I arrived, they welcomed me with a faculty dinner. One of them invited me to their Christmas family dinner; others gave me small end-​of-​the year presents. Yet, I remember my first year in the United States as rocky. I often felt a little off.

New Dutch Power Generation | Greg Shapiro's 'Climate News Comedy' [English]

Dutch Pub Nights

Join us and meet your local Dutch community over a drink and a conversation in Dutch. Our Pub Nights take place three times a month and are a great opportunity to get in touch with other Dutch people in your area. All you have to do for this free event is show up, order your drink, and take a seat with the rest of the group. Everyone is always happy to meet new people.

Dutch Pub Night – Langley
Every first Wednesday of the month (next Pub Night Nov 2nd, 2022)
Time: 19:30
Location: Jimy Mac's, 19935 96 Ave, Langley (1 minute from Hwy 1, exit 200 Street)

Dutch Pub Night – Dewdney
Every second Wednesday of the month (next Pub Night Nov 9th, 2022)  
Time: 18:00
Location: Historical Dewdney Pub, 8793 River Rd S, Dewdney
for more information contact Jette Warman,

Dutch Pub Night – Vancouver
Every third Wednesday of the month (next Pub Night Nov 16th, 2022)
Time: 19:00
LocationBrewhall Vancouver, 97 East 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5T 1B3

If you have any questions regarding Pub Nights, please contact us at


Dutch Koffieclubs

Coquitlam Dutch Coffee Club ~ meets weekly

     DAY/DATE: Every Wednesday, TIME: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • The group meets weekly at Coquitlam Centre Food Court. 
  • For more information, please contact Piet Boudewijn at 604-464-3031 or

Mission Dutch Coffee Club ~ meets monthly

    DAY/DATE: 4th Thursday of the month, TIME: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Location: Mission White Spot, 32555 London Ave, Mission.
  • For more information, please contact Jette Warman,

North Shore Dutch Coffee Club ~ meets monthly

     DAY/DATE: 3rd Wednesday of the month, TIME: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Please call for location
  • For more information, please contact Jan Jansen at or 778-279-5265

South Surrey Dutch Coffee Club ~ meets monthly

     DAY/DATE: 2nd Tuesday of the month, TIME: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Dutch “Koffie” Club in Nanaimo looking for a leader.

There must be some Dutch people living in the Vancouver mid-Island area who would like to get together for coffee!  In October 2018, Laura Kristiansen (van Hamersveld) started a Dutch coffee/chat/whatever group in Nanaimo.   Special thanks to Laura Kristiansen van Hamersveld for her leadership in setting up and leading the Nanaimo “Koffie” Club.  The Dutch Network greatly appreciated your effort and generous time.  Thank you, Laura!

At this time, the Nanaimo “Koffie” club is on hold until such time as a new coordinator/leader is found.  If you are interested in joining and/or re-starting a Dutch “Koffie club” in either Parksville, Chemainus and/or Nanaimo, please contact Adriana Zylmans at or 604-816-3243.  A new meeting place and time will be determined in consultation with those who are interested.

Dutch Koffieclubs ~ Cancelled

The Dutch Network would like to invite all Koffieclub leaders to contact Adriana Zylmans at and/or (604) 816-3243 to provide an update on their restart plans.   

~~ Following are cancelled until further notice ~~

Vancouver Dutch Coffee Club ~ meets monthly

     DAY/DATE: Last Thursday of the month, TIME: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Nanaimo Dutch Coffee Club ~ meets monthly

     DAY/DATE: 1st Friday of the month,  TIME: 11:00 AM

North Surrey Dutch Coffee Club ~ meets monthly

     DAY/DATE: 3rd Monday of the month, TIME: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Langley Dutch Coffee Club ~ meets monthly

     DAY/DATE: 3rd Wednesday of the month, TIME: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Abbotsford Dutch Coffee Club ~ meets monthly

     DAY/DATE: 2nd Tuesday of the month, TIME: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

New Westminster Dutch Coffee Club ~ Permanently Cancelled

For more information about Koffie Clubs go to

Morning Nature Walks
~~ Continues with Social Distancing ~~

Morning Nature Walks ~ meets weekly

     DAY/DATE: Every Friday, TIME: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Jeanette van Hattem hosts the Friday Free Nature Walk. She loves the great outdoors, local walks, trails, the forest and dykes. She discovers something new every day and would like to share with people that have the same interest or want to learn about their natural surroundings.

Walks begin at 9:30 am and will be about 2 hours in length, rain or shine. Bring your camera and binoculars.

Please visit Jeanette’s website: for up-to-date information and meeting points.

Contact Jeanette at 604-818-2515 or if you want to join.

Sponsor The Dutch Network

Are you interested in sponsoring Dutch Network?
Please send an email to:

Newsletter, Library and Social Media Volunteers Wanted!

We are looking for volunteers to help with maintaining our social media platforms and to provide content for the newsletter. Do you like to read Dutch news? Why not post it on our Facebook page and keep your fellow Dutchies up to date?

Send us an email if you are interested:

🧡💙💛 FREEDOM for UKRAINE! 💙💛🧡

Slava Ukraini!
PLACE A CLASSIFIED!  If you would like to sell your Dutch books, find a lost relative or promote your AirBnB to the Dutch community, our newsletter is a strong vehicle to get the word out. This is for you, by you! Cost is $10 per ad per month, which goes directly into supporting the events we organize for the Dutch community. We do not accept Commercial businesses.

To place an ad, email us at


Hallo ik ben van Hollandse afkomst en heb een Hollandse vrouwen fiets. Ik heb haar 6 jaar lang gereden maar m’n knieën zeggen 'niet meer'. Ze heeft tassen achter op . Het is te koop voor $750.00. Ik zou graag willen horen van mensen die daar belangstelling in hebben. Ik woon in Maple Ridge. Ph. 604 463 2279. Alvast bedankt, Carolien
Hello, I am of Dutch descent and have a Dutch lady's bicycle. I rode her only 6 times, but my knees say 'no more'. It has bags on the back. It is on sale for $750.00. I would love to hear from those interested. I live in Maple Ridge. Ph. 604 463 2279. Thank you, Carolien
[translation by Google translate, Ed.]
If you are interested in providing content, stories or articles that would be of interest to our Dutch Community. Please contact me at

Visit our website for the latest updates on news and events

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