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Singin' In The Pain

by Necrodeath Official

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sashavonkarl74 thumbnail
sashavonkarl74 When studying the history of black metal, I came across a few well-written books, where the founders and influencers of the "first wave" are mentioned. Venom, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Sarcofago in Brazil and the Greek scene of course. Italy also has a long-standing contributor, a blackened thrash outfit of veterans called NECRODEATH. Anti-Christianity, Occultism, Satanism, Blasphemy, all right there under the nose of the Pope :)
FFO Sodom, Destruction, Possessed and all the early 90's thrashers Favorite track: Antihero.
epnofficial thumbnail
epnofficial A different taste, but definitely a classic great Necrodeath album!
Transformer Treatment 00:00 / 03:56
  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      €7 EUR  or more


  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Release day: 28/12/2022

    New Necrodeath album, anticipated by the single on vinyl and video "Transformer Treatment", is the confirmation of a trade-mark consolidated in almost forty years, where the old school of extreme metal is present throughout the album.

    "Singin 'in the pain" is a concept based on the movie “A Clockwork Orange” by Stanley Kubrick, where the band takes us on a one-way black/thrash journey, represented by immorality and violence, and back to a vain attempt at redemption and normality.

    Conceived in 9 tracks linked together by the narrating voice of Tony Dolan of Venom inc. and supported in the finale by the presence of Eric Forrest of E-force (ex-Voivod).

    Ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence?

    Includes unlimited streaming of Singin' In The Pain via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ... more
    ships out within 5 days
    7 remaining
    Purchasable with gift card

      €13 EUR or more 


  • Cassette + Digital Album

    Release day: 28/12/2022

    New Necrodeath album, anticipated by the single on vinyl and video "Transformer Treatment", is the confirmation of a trade-mark consolidated in almost forty years, where the old school of extreme metal is present throughout the album.

    "Singin 'in the pain" is a concept based on the movie “A Clockwork Orange” by Stanley Kubrick, where the band takes us on a one-way black/thrash journey, represented by immorality and violence, and back to a vain attempt at redemption and normality.

    Conceived in 9 tracks linked together by the narrating voice of Tony Dolan of Venom inc. and supported in the finale by the presence of Eric Forrest of E-force (ex-Voivod).

    Ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence?

    Includes unlimited streaming of Singin' In The Pain via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ... more
    ships out within 5 days
    5 remaining
    Purchasable with gift card

      €10 EUR or more 


  • Necrodeath "Singin' In The Pain" lp black
    Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Release day: 28/12/2022

    New Necrodeath album, anticipated by the single on vinyl and video "Transformer Treatment", is the confirmation of a trade-mark consolidated in almost forty years, where the old school of extreme metal is present throughout the album.

    "Singin 'in the pain" is a concept based on the movie “A Clockwork Orange” by Stanley Kubrick, where the band takes us on a one-way black/thrash journey, represented by immorality and violence, and back to a vain attempt at redemption and normality.

    Conceived in 9 tracks linked together by the narrating voice of Tony Dolan of Venom inc. and supported in the finale by the presence of Eric Forrest of E-force (ex-Voivod).

    Ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence?

    Includes unlimited streaming of Singin' In The Pain via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ... more

    Sold Out

  • Necrodeath "Singin' In The Pain" lp limited edition orange
    Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Release day: 28/12/2022

    New Necrodeath album, anticipated by the single on vinyl and video "Transformer Treatment", is the confirmation of a trade-mark consolidated in almost forty years, where the old school of extreme metal is present throughout the album.

    "Singin 'in the pain" is a concept based on the movie “A Clockwork Orange” by Stanley Kubrick, where the band takes us on a one-way black/thrash journey, represented by immorality and violence, and back to a vain attempt at redemption and normality.

    Conceived in 9 tracks linked together by the narrating voice of Tony Dolan of Venom inc. and supported in the finale by the presence of Eric Forrest of E-force (ex-Voivod).

    Ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence?

    01 Gang Fight
    02 Transformer Treatment
    03 The Sweet Up and Down
    ...  more

    Sold Out

Gang Fight 04:19
The Sweet up 04:24
655321 04:37
Oomny-Ones 02:58
Antihero 05:19


released December 28, 2022


all rights reserved



Necrodeath Official Italy

Necrodeath is one of the most important and outrageous names in extreme metal; formed back in 1984, it is one of the first extreme metal bands originating in Italy. They take inspiration from Slayer, Dark Angel, Possessed, Venom, Kreator, Bathory, Celtic Frost and Sodom. ... more

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