Do you have trouble doing squats or bending forward to pick something off the floor?
Chances are your bum is in the wrong place.
For my 20 + years of clinical experience a posterior pelvic tilt can be
the culprit of a list of things going wrong such as sciatica, lower
back pain, and hammer toes.
In a neutral alignment the force of your skeleton and gravity pass
through the middle of the pelvis and through the bones of the leg.
In a posterior tilt the weight of upper body sinks into the lower
back or the sacral region, and forward toward the toes. When you attempt
to bend or squat with a posterior tilt the back is forced to bend
somewhere (typically the lower back) causing strain in the spine and
However, sticking your bum back allows for a counterbalance for the thing you are lifting. Loading gets transferred through the legs and down to the heels.
Fortunately, we can relearn how to stand and bend so that our pelvis is hanging out in the best place for counterbalance and support!
In this series of classes we will be learning about the mechanics of the pelvis, and hip joints and the how the whole spine helps in keeping this area Happy and Mobile.