Yes, your tongue and jaw can have something to do with your knee!
Now for my OMG moment with a client of mine….She came in with a swollen right knee due to a mis-step in exercise class and in the end we discovered that her tongue position was making her jaw and head shift to the left.
Every time she stepped on her right leg, her head stayed stuck to the left, which caused her knee to buckle inward a bit.
Once her tongue became more relaxed and resting in the middle of her jaw the stuckness of her neck disappeared as well as the tension around her right leg. Well… we both had an eye widening OMG moment!
What makes the tongue so fascinating?
This hidden muscle influences your breathing, digestion, speech, jaw, and neck orientation. Wow, that is a lot for a little muscle to do!
While reading (Chapter 7: A Device That Resets the Brain) "The Brain's Way of Healing" by Dr. Doidge, I was astounded to find out that there can be up to 50,000 nerve fibres on the tip of the tongue. There are 48 different kinds of sensory receptors on the tongue that send information to the brain! Your tongue is smarter than you think!
Would you like to unravel tension by discovering cool relationships like these?
My next series: TAKE A BREATH: Neck, Jaw and Shoulder RELIEF will help you release tension in new and playful ways.