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Harness the power of the coming moon cycle.  


Participants will automatically be registered in the upcoming 60 minute New Moon Group Distance Healing session and the following Full Moon Group Distance Healing session.  Once you have registered, your name and personal intentions will be placed on my healing altar. 


New for 2024:  On the evening of the New Moon session, I send participants a picture of the healing altar.  I will carve your name and intention into our group candle.  If you have no specific request, please know that the energy will work to bring your highest and best healing always.


At the Full Moon, you will receive a sound healing mp3 to support you in the Full Moon session.  The sound healing recordings are multiple use.  As you listen during the healing session or sometime after, you will continue to receive healing energy through the sound of my singing and speaking voice.  You will have the ease of downloading this onto your personal device and using it whenever you like!    


As I always do with my New Moon and Full Moon distance healings, participants in this program will receive the Healing Report Videos I produce after each session.  I outline how the session went, how the energy flowed at the major chakras and describe any parts of the body that requested additional attention.  I also share any spiritual insight that I receive during the session.  Often, I channel information for the group during the video recording itself.


Energy healing benefits include:


  • greater calm, peace and clarity in the mind and emotions
  • provides relief to physical ailments
  • enjoy relief from anxiety
  • greater ability to receive insight from the Divine, both yourself or through the session itself
  • encourages a deeper relationship with Spirit, the Angels, Guides & Ascended Masters
  • heightens your own, personal spiritual gifts
  • can aid in achieving better sleep


Please email me at with any questions!

Moon Magic Group Distance Healing Package

SKU: 25
  • Please continue to follow all medical protocols while you are receiving energy healing.  Results may vary from client to client.  There are no refunds available for energy healing sessions.  

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