Just released: How to raise venture capital in 2023

Download the IPO Roadmap

De-Risking the Journey to Going Public

This ebook takes you through the nuanced process of going public with your company, from the preparation and planning to the actual transaction to the first trading day. Additionally, we’ve recruited experts to chime in with their advice. These experienced CFOs, lawyers, investment bankers, and consulting firms have all been there, done that — and we’ve asked them the sticky behind-the-scenes questions.

Table of contents

Brilliant ideas sometimes start on cafe napkins, come to life in garages, and eventually end up on the open market for the public to trade. How does the journey look for companies backed by venture capital, from counting pennies to sourcing millions? We’ll answer that question and many more in this powerful ebook.


The Venture Capital Journey

Key Benchmarks to Meet Before Going Public

Should You IPO? Going Public Alternatives

Understanding the Process of Going Public

Critical Pre-Going Public Checklist


Critical Hires: How to Build a Powerful Team

Narrative: How to Write Your Business Story

Choosing the Right Underwriting Partner

Due Diligence & Regulatory Filings

Secure Public D&O Insurance


Pre-Selling Company Shares

Applying for Stock Exchange Listing

Promoting the Investor Roadshow

Pricing & Closing the Deal

Going Public Alternatives


The Post-Going Public Transition

Reevaluating Various Insurance Needs

Managing Employees as a Public Company

Tax and Financial Planning

Required Regulatory Filings

about the book

About the book

With decades of combined experience, our Management Liability Team is here to address the risks you might face in your private-to public journey. Additionally, we collaborated with CFOs, lawyers, investment bankers, and consulting firms who have already seen success in going public to create this IPO Roadmap. So get this expert advice for every step of the journey by downloading your copy of the IPO Roadmap.

Case Studies


Trevor Baldwin CEO, BRP
Brad Hale CFO, BRP
Joe Furnari CEO, HyreCar
Leslie Fenton Managing Director,
Oppenheimer & Co
Jonathan Selby General Manager,
Founder Shield
Rachel Jenkins Customer Success Manager,
Founder Shield
Kyle Jeziorski Managing Director of Broking,
Founder Shield
Sojee Kim Claims Manager,
Scale Underwriting
Jeff Hirsch Head of Claims,
Scale Underwriting
John Olson Director of Customer Success,
Founder Shield

A preview of the insights from our contributors

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Why read this ebook

The Timing Is Right

The SEC requires up to three years of financial history by means of various statements. Although going public might seem a ways off, now is the time to plan and familiarize yourself with the complex process.

Start Preparing Now

Going public can take up to 18 months from start to launch. It’s a complicated process involving several variables. As a result, most experts will tell you to start preparing two years before beginning the official process of going public.

We'll Have Your Back

Our parent company, Baldwin Risk Partners (BRP) Groups, Inc., went public in October of 2019. We know the ins and outs of going public because we’ve already walked our path to profitability, heard the bell ring on Wall St., and celebrated our own 3-2-1-LAUNCH!

Who is this ebook for?

internal going public team ebook

Company Directors and Officers

With the open market in your sights, support and insights about the going public process are invaluable. We wrote this book with company leaders in mind, whether you’re still planning or already in over your head.

Internal Going Public Team

Very few of us enjoy navigating in the dark, especially through such a metamorphic change as going public. This guide enlightens and empowers the heavy lifters during this process, from the financial team to HR to employees with a stake in the game.

company directors and officers ebook