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Join us on the tech side of Design

Join Designtech Hub and shape the future of living. Connect with industry leaders and access spaces and services to innovate at the intersection of design and technology.


Join Designtech Hub and shape the future of living. Connect with industry leaders and access spaces and services to innovate at the intersection of design and technology.


CoFactory opening

Innovation spaces

Innovation spaces

We partner with global real estate developers to build future-proof innovation facilities. These design-living-labs offer creatives and innovators shared resources and expertise, providing startups and companies the opportunity to build beyond limits in scale, shape, or materials while broadcasting the lives of 3D innovators.


We partner with global real estate developers to build future-proof innovation facilities. These design-living-labs offer creatives and innovators shared resources and expertise, providing startups and companies the opportunity to build beyond limits in scale, shape, or materials while broadcasting the lives of 3D innovators.


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 A 1,500 sqm hybrid space with a light industrial floor for advanced manufacturing, seamlessly integrated with offices, coworking areas, labs, and event spaces. Designed as an open urban factory, it fosters collaboration among manufacturing startups, scaleups, designers and corporations.


 A 1,500 sqm hybrid space with a light industrial floor for advanced manufacturing, seamlessly integrated with offices, coworking areas, labs, and event spaces. Designed as an open urban factory, it fosters collaboration among manufacturing startups, scaleups, designers and corporations.


via Polidoro da Caravaggio 30B 20156 Milano

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 C.Space is the design and media tech lounge dedicated to podcast production, private events, workshops, team building, design thinking sessions, business lunches and more. 


 C.Space is the design and media tech lounge dedicated to podcast production, private events, workshops, team building, design thinking sessions, business lunches and more. 


via Varesina 162
20156 Milano

Open Innovation

Through open innovation programs that connect startups that want to accelerate their growth and industry-leading companies in search of innovation, we initiate pilot collaborations, creating PoCs (Proof of concept).

Designtech connects its members to collaboration opportunities by hosting open innovation initiatives that bridge design and technology to reinvent living. We link growth-focused startups with industry leaders, initiating pilot collaborations and supporting successful PoCs.

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Made in Designtech

We are the go-to hub for developing 'phygital' and circular products. Our ecosystem leverages collective intelligence and services, providing strategic insight and reducing barriers to computational design and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. We transform traditional industries and enhance sustainability through digitalized production. Discover our library of products and solutions developed within Designtech's ecosystem.

We are the go-to hub for developing 'phygital' and circular products. Our ecosystem leverages collective intelligence and services, providing strategic insight and reducing barriers to computational design and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. We transform traditional industries and enhance sustainability through digitalized production. Discover our library of products and solutions developed within Designtech's ecosystem.

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Our Team

Designtech team brings together professionals with established backgrounds in different fields, with the common goal of building the future of habitats and cities by promoting open innovation programs that accelerate the growth of community members.

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Our Events

Our Events

Join our events to harness the network effect in Milan, home to the world's largest design ecosystem. Designtech is the new hotspot for innovation in the design industry.


Join our events to harness the network effect in Milan, home to the world's largest design ecosystem. Designtech is the new hotspot for innovation in the design industry.


Capitali per crescere: la finanza a supporto dell'economia reale

Mercoledì 27 Novembre
17:00 - 19:30

Tavola rotonda in collaborazione con

Imprenditori e key player dell’ecosistema economico italiano condivideranno le loro esperienze nell’impiego di soluzioni di finanza alternativa, sia per sostenere l’espansione aziendale sia per investire in realtà emergenti con promettenti prospettive di rendimento.

Mercoledì 27 Novembre
17:00 - 19:30

Tavola rotonda in collaborazione con

Imprenditori e key player dell’ecosistema economico italiano condivideranno le loro esperienze nell’impiego di soluzioni di finanza alternativa, sia per sostenere l’espansione aziendale sia per investire in realtà emergenti con promettenti prospettive di rendimento.

Innovazione aperta nella filiera del costruito

Martedì 26 Novembre
18:00 - 20:00

Evento organizzato da Confindustria Assoimmobiliare.

Un incontro speciale per esplorare le potenzialità dell’innovazione nel settore e lasciarsi ispirare dalle idee che guideranno il domani. Sul palco i protagonisti del progetto CoFactory e alcune startup prop tech da tenere d'occhio.

Martedì 26 Novembre
18:00 - 20:00

Evento organizzato da Confindustria Assoimmobiliare.

Un incontro speciale per esplorare le potenzialità dell’innovazione nel settore e lasciarsi ispirare dalle idee che guideranno il domani. Sul palco i protagonisti del progetto CoFactory e alcune startup prop tech da tenere d'occhio.

Join us!

Designtech community members are building the future 
of habitats and cities.

Contact Form

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