Assorted streaming apps are seen on an iPhone, including Netflix, HBO Max, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Apple TV, Sling TV, Roku, and Hulu.
Photo: iStock | hapabapa

Is Streaming TV Retail Media’s Next Growth Driver?

The advertising potential of streaming platforms has entered the hype cycle as Netflix and Disney+ recently rolled out ad-supported streaming tiers. The retail media arms of Kroger, Best Buy and Instacart want in on the action.

Other ad-supported streaming platforms include Roku, Disney’s Hulu, Comcast’s Peacock, Paramount’s Pluto TV, and Amazon’s Freevee.

With a more robust value proposition for advertisers than linear TV (traditionally scheduled programming), streaming TV or connected TV (CTV) promises to allow advertisers to target audiences granularly based on data provided by the host platforms, such as zip code and viewing habits.

“Youth-obsessed advertisers are turning to streaming to reach younger people who have gravitated to those services and to find the legions of Americans who have ditched their traditional pay-TV packages altogether in favor of streaming. Brands also find streaming attractive because it often enables them to target ads to specific audiences, similar to the way digital ads have worked,” The Wall Street Journal reports.

First-party data from retail media networks (RMNs) has increasing appeal because it’s based on actual consumer behavior and purchases and due to the impending loss of third-party cookies.

Insider Intelligence predicts that more than 80 percent of RMNs’ placement will remain online for several years, but the next growth spurt will be off-site inventory from CTV to digital out-of-home and in-store.

As usual, the challenge is linking advertising to purchases.

Best Buy, in early March, agreed to allow Roku to use its customer purchasing data for ad-targeting.

Disney, in mid-April, partnered on a beta test that will let CPG firms tap Kroger shopper data to reach target audiences across select Disney inventory, starting with Hulu.

“Together with Disney, we’re building more meaningful moments with measurable brand impact,” said Cara Pratt, Kroger Precision Marketing SVP.

Instacart announced a partnership with Roku last week to enable advertisers to leverage purchasing data from more than 1,100 retail banners and over 80,000 stores in North America.

“Our partnership with Instacart makes it easier to measure actual return on advertising spend in e-commerce and meet consumers where they are – streaming TV,” said Alison Levin, VP of ad revenue and marketing solutions, Roku.

Discussion Questions

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Do streaming TV platforms have a targeting advantage over linear TV? What do you think of the potential marriage between retail media networks and streaming TV? 


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"There are huge opportunities here and while it may seem a bit creepy at first, I don't think consumers would be that bothered since the ads will be extremely relevant."

Melissa Minkow

Director, Retail Strategy, CI&T

"The ability to personalize based on viewing habits, known identity, and demographics will be powerful in defining how brands will advertise."

Ananda Chakravarty

Vice President, Research at IDC

"There is no reason not to do this. Shopper data has first party IDs that can be pushed for activation to the addressable TV platforms."

Joel Rubinson

President, Rubinson Partners, Inc.