
Twitter Safety Executives Exit as Concerns About Policing Content Grow

A.J. Brown’s departure comes after Ella Irwin, company’s head of trust and safety, left Thursday

Twitter’s next CEO, Linda Yaccarino, is well-known for her tight relationship with ad agencies and her hard-nosed negotiating tactics. WSJ’s Suzanne Vranica explains what she can bring to the social-media company. Photo: Charles Sykes/NBCUniversal/Getty Images

Twitter lost a second senior executive in charge of content and safety issues, people familiar with the matter said Friday, as the Elon Musk-owned platform struggles with content-moderation controversies and advertiser skittishness.

A.J. Brown, Twitter’s head of brand safety and ad quality, has decided to leave the company, the people said. He was a top executive who has worked to assure advertisers that Twitter is a safe place for their ads.

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