
Activist Investor Calls on Yelp to Explore Sale

TCS Capital has 4%-plus stake in Yelp, asks recommendation site to consider merger with Angi

 TCS Capital Management’s Eric Semler plans to tell Yelp’s board that his investment firm is prepared to make its own bid to acquire Yelp.
TCS Capital Management’s Eric Semler plans to tell Yelp’s board that his investment firm is prepared to make its own bid to acquire Yelp. Photo: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg News

Activist investor TCS Capital Management has built a stake in Yelp YELP -0.32%decrease; red down pointing triangle and is calling on the service-recommendation site to explore strategic alternatives including a sale, according to people familiar with the matter.

TCS Capital owns more than 4% of the shares outstanding of Yelp’s common stock, making it one of the company’s five biggest shareholders, the people said. TCS Capital has been an investor in Yelp for most of the past five years, but the stake hasn’t been revealed publicly before.

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