antibiotics of a new generation!

We develop novel antibacterial compounds with extraordinary potency against multi-drug resistant bacteria and difficult-to-treat biofilms.


antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global concern

Bacterial infections, caused by multi-drug-resistant pathogens, represent one of the greatest threats to human health. They are predicted to cause up to 10 million annual casualties by 2050 if no new antibiotics are developed.


combatting AMR is challenging

95% of the antibiotics approved since 1983 are part of existing classes with well established and widespread resistance mechanisms. Resistance against these drugs will develop quickly, exacerbating the problem of multi-drug-resistant pathogens. New antibiotics with unprecedented modes of action are desperately needed!


we develop a new generation of antibiotics

We develop antibiotics with new modes of actions which address unexploited targets and therefore aggravate the development of resistances. Our platform approach utilises enzyme activation as unprecedented feature, which is able to treat biofilms, a condition against which classical antibiotics fail. Our development pipeline addresses Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria independently, and our first-in-class compounds target multi-drug resistant pathogens such methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), as well as ESBL-producing and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales like Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae (CREB).


our research development

Prof. Dr. Stephan Sieber and his team at TU Munich are specialised on the discovery of novel antibiotics with unprecedented modes of action. Recently, the Sieber lab developed a new class of antibiotic compounds with potent activity against Gram-positive, multi-drug resistant bacteria (Le et al, Nat Chem 2020, 12, 145-158). The most active molecule shows no development of resistance and is even able to kill persister cells and biofilms, which are bacterial populations that cannot currently be treated with available antibiotics. Its novel multi-targeted mechanism of action is substantially different to all currently approved antibiotics. The compound’s efficacy has also been demonstrated in an animal model. Taken together, this molecule represents the starting point of a new generation of antibacterial compounds, whose further exploration and preclinical development is at the heart of smartbax’ research activities.


our mission

We aim for new, innovative solutions to fight multi-drug resistant bacteria. Due to the increasing prevalence of resistance against marketed antibiotics, we address a need which is growing dramatically. A lack in the innovation of antibiotics must not be considered only by itself but would be associated with high co-morbidity by untreatable infections affecting other clinical areas such as oncology, COVID-19 and surgery. For this reason, innovation in the field of antibacterial agents is essential for an overall functioning healthcare system. At the same time, developing a new drug takes many years, so preventing a resistance crisis tomorrow means taking action today.




Dr. Robert Macsics

CEO & Co-Founder


Robert holds a PhD in the field of Biochemistry from the Technical University of Munich, an MSc in Pharmacology from the University of Oxford, and an MBA from the Collège des Ingénieurs. During his PhD, which was funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, he investigated the mechanism of action of a novel antibiotic against multi-drug resistant bacteria, which formed the basis for the foundation of smartbax. With his experience, he is now CEO at smartbax, responsible for both scientific and business development, fundraising, and investor relations.


Dr. Sylvia Varland

Senior Scientist


Sylvia holds a PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Bergen and carried out postdoctoral research at University of Toronto focusing on molecular and cellular consequences of N-terminal protein modifications. As a Senior Scientist at smartbax she is responsible for overseeing high-throughput screening efforts.


Dr. Eric Juskewitz

Senior Scientist


Eric holds a PhD in Microbiology from the University in Tromsø, where he was part of the antibiotic discovery pipeline DigiBiotics. He did his MSc at the University of Greifswald where he focused on mutations in bacterial isolates from cystic fibrosis patients. Following his drive to see science becoming a product, he further joined start-ups and the BioInnovation Institute summer school. Now, as a Senior Scientist at smartbax, he uses his experience to support the discovery and development of our compounds.


executive advisory board


Prof. Dr. Stephan Sieber

Scientific Advisor & Co- Founder


Prof. Stephan Sieber is the Chair of Organic Chemistry II at TU Munich since 2009 and member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. With a strong scientific focus on the discovery and characterization of numerous antibacterial agents, his revolutionary research led to 4 patent applications and prestigious support by inter alia the Emmy Noether Programme and the Merck Future Insight Prize. Prof. Sieber’s pioneering research led to the foundation of  smartbax where he is Co-Founder and Scientific Advisor. 


Marco Janezic

Entrepreneurial Advisor & Co-Founder


Marco Janezic is an entrepreneur and investor with activities in a variety of sectors, with focus on Life Science and Biotech. He is Founding Partner of Blue Ribbon Partners, a company builder for life science companies, and Managing Director of the life science factory, the incubation initiative of Sartorius AG: With his 20+ years of experience in company building and business development he has been supporting the smartbax founding team since 2017. He holds an M.A. in Theoretical Physics and Philosophy from the University of Oxford.


scientific advisory board


Prof. Dr. Peter Hammann

Scientific Advisor

Prof. Peter Hammann, a chemist and biochemist by training, is a consultant in the field of antibiotic and natural product R&D. He has 30+ years’ pharmaceutical industry experience in several leading positions in Germany, India and in the USA. Based on his strong interest to ensure knowledge transfer between academia and industry he serves at several scientific advisory boards at both sides and lectures at universities. Currently he is Honorary Professor at the University of Giessen (JLU) and at the Saarland University.


Prof. Dr. Rolf Müller

Scientific Advisor

Prof. Rolf Müller is Full Professor for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at Saarland University and Managing Director of the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS). He is not only a leading expert in microbial natural products, but also a successful entrepreneur as co-founder of PharmBioTec GmbH and MyBiotech GmbH. He has been performing cutting-edge academic research for 25+ years in Germany and the US and is an elected member of both acatech and Leopoldina. In 2021, Prof. Müller was awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize.


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