
Netflix Subscriptions Jump as U.S. Password-Sharing Crackdown Begins

Shortly after change, company had highest rate of sign-ups since Antenna began tracking data in 2019

As the price of digital subscriptions creeps up, and Netflix cracks down on password sharing, WSJ’s Nicole Nguyen explores free alternatives.

Netflix’s NFLX -0.12%decrease; red down pointing triangle long-awaited crackdown on password-sharing in the U.S. delivered a windfall of new subscribers in its earliest days, according to new data, a sign that the move is bearing fruit despite being unpopular with many users.

According to streaming analytics company Antenna, the streaming giant amassed more new subscriptions in the U.S. between May 25 and 28, shortly after Netflix notified users of the limits, than in any other four-day period since Antenna began compiling such data in 2019.

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The change, which is upending yearslong password-sharing arrangements between families and friends, is critical to Netflix’s growth: The streaming giant and its rivals are struggling to bring in new subscribers, particularly in the U.S. market, where consumers can choose from a range of services that are easy to turn on and off.

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