
Sam Bankman-Fried Takes Fight Over Federal Fraud Case to Bahamas

FTX founder wants to persuade the island nation that some U.S. charges violate the terms of his extradition

The collapse of FTX has set off the largest crypto-related bankruptcy ever, and court filings are already shedding light on what went wrong and how complicated things could get. Here are three things to know about the company’s bankruptcy process. Photo: Lam Yik/Bloomberg News

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried wants to make his case to the Bahamas that some of the U.S. fraud charges he faces over the collapse of the crypto-exchange violate the terms of his extradition from the island nation. 

U.S. prosecutors need consent from the Bahamas to proceed with charges that were added after Bankman-Fried was transferred to U.S. custody. Bankman-Fried on Tuesday persuaded a Bahamian court to temporarily block the nation’s attorney general from making a decision on that consent for now. Bankman-Fried is seeking an opportunity to make arguments in the Bahamas that some of the charges are improper. 

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