
Rivian Tries Selling Trucks Out of Its Factory Parking Lot

EV startup experiments with in-person shopping event at its plant in Normal, Ill., as stock levels build

Rivian is under pressure to prove it can build its electric trucks at scale without having ramped up production before, as competition heats up from legacy auto makers. WSJ toured Rivian’s and Ford’s EV factories to see how they are pushing to meet demand. Illustration: Adam Falk

Electric-vehicle startup Rivian RIVN -2.30%decrease; red down pointing triangle Automotive is trying out an unusual tactic to sell off its excess truck inventory: It is inviting buyers to shop what is available on its factory parking lot. 

The young auto company, which began building its first vehicles in late 2021, has quickly gone from having long waiting lists to a buildup of unsold stock on some versions of the R1T electric pickup, one of two models it sells to retail customers.

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