
Google Gets Stricter About Employees’ Time in Office

Search giant, which asks most workers to be in an office 3 days a week, will consider attendance as part of performance

Google will consider new requests to work remotely full time as exceptions only.
Google will consider new requests to work remotely full time as exceptions only. Photo: Richard B. Levine/Zuma Press

Google will consider office attendance records in performance reviews and send reminders to employees with frequent absences, becoming the latest company to urge a return to in-person collaboration following an embrace of remote work during the pandemic.

The search giant, a unit of Alphabet GOOGL -1.92%decrease; red down pointing triangle, will also consider new requests to work remotely full time as exceptions only, Chief People Officer Fiona Cicconi wrote in a companywide email announcing the changes on Wednesday. Most employees already follow Google’s hybrid work policy, which requires roughly three days of work in the office a week, she wrote in the email, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

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