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Wellington Banks at Least $2.6 Billion for Growth Investment Strategy

The firm collected its latest Hadley Harbor pool as well as $200 million for co-investments to take advantage of depressed late-stage startup values

Wellington Management’s headquarters building, center, overlooks Boston’s Fort Point Channel and sits opposite the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, right.
Wellington Management’s headquarters building, center, overlooks Boston’s Fort Point Channel and sits opposite the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, right. Photo: David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe/Getty Images

Investment manager Wellington Management has amassed at least $2.6 billion for its strategy to back late-stage startups, and said it has commitments of more than $200 million for co-investments.

The latest Hadley Harbor vehicle, Wellington Hadley Harbor Partners IV, provides the Boston firm with fresh ammunition to take advantage of depressed valuations of late-stage startups after higher interest rates pushed up financing costs and the market for new equity issues froze last year. 

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