American Companies Held Hostage by the Whims of TikTok

The social-media giant has become ‘a billion-person focus group,’ disrupting business cycles and upending corporate R&D

Jon Krause

Smothered in a special sauce, the “Keithadilla” was a breakout hit for Chipotle Mexican Grill in the first quarter. It also gave the company indigestion.

The twist on Chipotle’s traditional quesadilla was invented by a popular TikTok food influencer as an off-menu “hack.” Soon, the Mexican fast-casual chain was overwhelmed by custom orders. The item took longer to make and its mix of ingredients flustered workers, especially when the sauce—a combination of sour cream and chipotle-honey vinaigrette—ran out. When some staffers refused to make the off-menu item, customers began posting angry reviews online. 

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