Photo Credit: IDF
IDF soldiers mapping terrorist's home for future demolition in the Jenin-area village of Qafr Dan, 2022.

IDF soldiers on Friday mapped out the home of Ahmad Yassin Ghaidan, the Palestinian Authority terrorist who shot and killed Staff Sergeant Shilo Yosef Amir on Thursday in an attack near the northern Samaria Jewish community of Kedumim.

Kedumim Terrorist Comes from a Known Hamas Family


The terrorist’s home, located in the village of Qibya, was prepared for potential demolition in accordance with standard Israeli policy that mandates destruction of a terrorist’s home following the murder of an Israeli citizen.

Live fireworks were fired, and stones were thrown at the soldiers while they were searching and then measuring the terrorist’s home for future demolition. An IDF soldier was injured in the attack; he was taken to a nearby hospital for medical treatment and his family was informed. The force opened fire in response, and several of the attackers were injured.

‘I Have Six Other Children’
The mother of the terrorist meanwhile praised her son in a Arabic-language social media post, saying her son “took revenge for Jenin” and that she “gave her son to Jenin.”

The woman proudly told Israeli security personnel during questioning, “I have six other children,” implying she would send the rest to do the same.


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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.