Biased Coverage of Gaza Hostage Rescue Serves Hamas

Media outlets went out of their way on Saturday (June 8) to make Israel's heroic rescue of four Gaza hostages look tainted or even immoral, with a reframing that served Hamas' strategy. Instead of simply...
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Media Reframe IDF Strike on Terrorists in Gaza School

Early on Thursday (June 6), the IDF announced that it had targeted Hamas terrorists inside an UNRWA school in Gaza. 🔴Eliminated: several Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists who embedded themselves inside of an @UNRWA school....
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Revealed: The Laughable Excuses Given by BBC & CNN for Israel Capital City Mistake

There’s chutzpah, and then there’s the BBC’s explanation for why it should be allowed to incorrectly describe Tel Aviv as Israel’s capital — an explanation so absurd and convoluted it borders on farce. Now, the...
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▶️ Israel Didn’t Target a Safe Zone in Rafah. So What Happened?

Almost eight months into the Israel-Hamas war, and the media have learned nothing in regard to blindly reporting Hamas’ propaganda. Although the investigation of the cause of the fire in Rafah is still underway, here...
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Biased Coverage of Gaza Hostage Rescue Serves Hamas
Media Reframe IDF Strike on Terrorists in Gaza School
Revealed: The Laughable Excuses Given by BBC & CNN for Israel Capital City Mistake
▶️ Israel Didn’t Target a Safe Zone in Rafah. So What Happened?
▶️ Misplaced Media Outrage Lands on Israel Rather Than Hamas
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▶️ Israel Didn’t Target a Safe Zone in Rafah. So What Happened?
Almost eight months into the Israel-Hamas war, and the media...
▶️ Hamas Math: Why Hamas Is Never at Fault and Israel Is Always To Blame
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▶️ Why Won’t Media Give a Platform to Gazans Who Oppose Hamas?
Hamas isn’t only Israel’s problem. Many Gazans are angry at...
▶️ Israel Mourns Its Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror on Yom HaZikaron
Sunday night May 12th marked the beginning of Yom HaZikaron...
▶️ Why Eurovision Didn’t Cave to Anti-Israel Boycotters
There’s a simple reason Israel is competing in Eurovision and...
▶️ Why Israel Is Shutting Down Al Jazeera’s Operations in Israel
The media is accusing Israel of being anti-democratic for shutting...
▶️ Understanding Israel’s Rafah Operation Against Hamas
Right now, all eyes are on Rafah. Despite the misleading...
▶️ Inside the Anti-Jewish Hate Protests on Ivy League Campuses
Let’s not sugarcoat it: these protests are not about peace...
▶️ This Didn’t Start on October 7th
In the time since we produced this video, there have...

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HonestReporting to Keep ‘Eye on Media’ in Classic Jerusalem Post Column
The popular media monitoring column Eye on the Media that was initiated in The Jerusalem Post by its venerated late editor David Bar-Illan more than 30 years ago was relaunched this weekend by HonestReporting executive director and executive editor Gil...
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