The owners of this remarkable house hit a stage in life where they could redefine their needs and reimagine their surroundings. With their three children grown and only one still at home, the couple downsized to the city. With the help of CplusC Architectural Workshop, they renovated the 523 square meter property into a space that would be used predominantly for entertaining and appreciating life as a couple, as well as carving out peaceful pockets for themselves. They envisioned hours playing mahjong, proudly displaying family memorabilia, having an organized spot to clean and store scuba gear, and embracing an uplifting meld of natural elements. An artful indoor-outdoor home design came to life and ZZ Top House was born.
Located in Australia, this indoor-outdoor home design benefits from a warm climate and cooling elements of shade. The composition cleverly confuses the onlooker as to where the boundary between the home and the garden lies.
Tall ceilings feature uniform cutaways and skylights that break open the living spaces. The skyscape becomes part of the interior decor; bright blue and enlivening during daylight hours and a sparkling blanket of starlit black velvet as night falls.
The threshold into the main living room from the garden is intentionally confounding. An open-air sitting area, kitchen, and dining space are presented like an indoor room with colorful flooring and a ceiling fan whirring overhead. However, this is merely an intermediary zone. Glass doors protect the main, internal living room from the elements.