ASPC-Rwanda Guests Register
We truly appreciate your interest in our work of promoting aviation safety in Africa. Please complete this form to make an appointment with us. We welcome pre-booked visitors to Africa's first AviAssist Safety Promotion Centre (ASPC)- Rwanda. We are very much interested in learning about you.

We are keen to help you get the best out of your visit to our centre. That’s why we kindly ask you to book your visit with us two weeks in advance.  We welcome visitors on Thursdays from 15:00 - 16:00.  To book, simply fill in the form below and pick the date on Thursdays you'd like to visit the ASPC-Rwanda. That is to ensure we make time available to accommodate your visit. We are a small team of professionals dedicated to increasing the aviation safety promotion capacity in Africa.  

Important information:
1. We'll email you further information about your visit and the location of the centre after your booking.
2. Please arrive at the time you have booked with us – we can't guarantee a visit before or after your allotted time slot.

The AviAssist team thanks you very much in advance for your interest in our work. We look forward to welcoming you to the ASPC-Rwanda.

Email *
1. First name *
2. Last name *
3. Please write down your Whatsapp number so we can contact you if something comes up *
4. Which country are you from? *
5. Please tick a time slot on a Thursday from 15:00 - 16:00 that suits your availability: *
6. Please state your current status: *
7. What do you hope to learn from your visit to the ASPC-Rwanda: *
8. How did you hear about us? *
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