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'This is my menorah': A man's passion for lighting up Hanukkah

JACKSON - Hanukkah is a hands-on holiday for Leib Wolf.

Each year, the demolition contractor looks forward to the Festival of Lights. He says it allows him to unleash his creative side, which appears boundless.

His medium is copper pipes. For the last four years, Wolf has manufactured his family's menorah, shaping the material into the candelabra used to observe the lighting of eight candles in accordance with Jewish tradition. 

This year Hanukkah runs from Sunday through Dec. 30. 

Leib Wolf shows one of the menorahs he has crafted for Hanukkah out of copper pipes in the last four years. Wolf invited the Press to see how he works on his menorah for this year.

Each of those nights, the faithful light a candle commemorating two miracles in Jewish tradition. More on them later. 

Wolf’s menorah passion began when he was a child. As a young boy growing up in Brooklyn, he would ask his parents to let him set up the family's Hanukkah menorah.

Ever since, he has assumed the honor of preparing the candelabra, one of the most recognizable icons of Jewish faith and identity.

"I was always into it," Wolf told the Press. "I just loved it. I don't know why. I enjoyed it very much. And I'm so much prouder because I make my own menorah."

A week before the holiday, Wolf hosted the Press at his Jackson home to show off menorahs he's made in years past, as well as the one being crafted for this year's celebration.

His work starts shortly after the holiday of Sukkot.

That's when Wolf grabs his tools and starts devising the design he will place by his window. It will illuminate the darkness wrapping the month of Kislev, December for gentiles. 

In Judaica stores and online, menorahs can range in price anywhere from $25 to the thousands of dollars, depending on material and quality. But for Wolf, buying a menorah didn't cut it; instead, he was looking for a more direct and lasting connection.

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"You can purchase some nice menorah, be proud of it once or twice and that's it," he said. "But, for me, things taste better when you make them yourself. And I can truly say from here on, this is my menorah."

Wolf’s first dive into menorah-crafting came soon after marrying his wife Gitty, with whom he has three children.

Leib Wolf's garage becomes a shop where he cuts, drills, glues and polishes the copper pipes he turns into menorahs each year. He began crafting menorahs right after getting married thinking it could be a good endeavor to take on.

Always eager to work with his hands, Wolf thought it would be interesting to make a menorah out of the copper pipes he handles in his construction work. 

For several nights in the weeks preceding the holiday, he cut, drilled and screwed copper pipes in the Lakewood flat the young couple lived in when they first married. 

Sukkot in Lakewood: The joy of decorating — and living — in a sukkah

"My wife wasn't too happy with me taking over one room of our little apartment to work on it," he joked.

The final product, 2-feet high and shiny, marveled Wolf and his wife. And while finishing it was an accomplishment, lighting its candles conjured up even greater emotions. 

"It felt very good to actually be lighting my own creation. It was a piece of me," he said. "So the following year I decided, if I can make one, I'm sure I can come up with another idea."

The two miracles

In Jewish communities, children often make their own menorahs as a school activity, said Rabbi Moshe Gourarie, with the Chabad Jewish Center in Toms River. What's unusual, he said, is grownups making their own.

"As far as I know, most adults will buy their menorahs off the shelf," he said. "Usually you buy a menorah once and you can use it year after year."

Leib Wolf pours oil into the glass cup to light up the wick of one of the handmade menorahs he has built in the last four years. Wolf invited the Press to his Jackson home to show how he works on this year's design.

Gourarie said that the lighting of the menorah dates back more than 2,000 years, when the Syrian Greeks ruled over the land of Israel.

According to legend, a small group of Jewish warriors defeated the Syrian Greeks but could not expel them before they desecrated and defiled the Holy Temple. Their victory was the first of the two miracles rooted at the origin of Hanukkah. 

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The second miracle, Gourarie said, came when the triumphant Jewish warriors wanted to light up the golden menorah at the center of the temple, but realized the fleeing invaders had destroyed all but one jar of olive oil, barely enough to burn for one night.

Getting new kosher olive oil would have taken them eight days. 

“Miraculously, that one small amount of oil they had lasted for eight days, until they were able to bring new oil,” he said. “Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days because of the miracle of the eight days of the olive oil.”

A menorah’s anatomy

Jews celebrate the two miracles by lighting their menorahs before dusk and eating oily foods like donuts and potato pancakes, known in Yiddish as latkes.

Related:Gourmet Hanukkah doughnut craze hits Lakewood

Jewish teachings provide that all of the eight candles should sit at the end of each branch and sit at the same level. This, Gourarie said, represents equality.

Leib Wolf holds one of the pieces where the oil cups will sit atop his menorah. This year's design is one of the most elaborate he's done so far and requires dozens of small pieces cut a different angles to form each of the cup seats.

“If you look at the menorah, you'd see some candles go to the right and some go to the left, some go to the far right, some go to the far left, some are closer to the center, but on Hanukkah, they're all on the same level,” he said. “It doesn't matter if you're from the right or from the left, everyone is equal.”

Although the eight candles stand at equal level, there’s usually a ninth in the middle standing higher than its counterparts; it is known as the shamash, or the servant candle, because it is the only one that can be benefited from. 

“You're not supposed to benefit from the light of the menorah,” he said. “We have an extra candle there so that the light ... comes from the servant candle and not from the actual lights of the menorah.”

Additionally, he said, the shamash candle is used to light the other ones each night of Hanukkah.

A beacon of light

Gourarie said the menorah also stands as a symbol of love and acceptance defeating the forces of hate and intolerance.

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He noted the recent violence in Jersey City, where two attackers killed three people at a kosher supermarket, in a siege the authorities are investigating as a hate crime. A police detective was also killed.

Leib Wolf's menorahs are far from traditional. There is no commandment stating the shape of a menorah. Jewish tradition only states that all of the eight candles must be at the same level.

“The menorah is a beacon of light that reminds us that light will always overpower darkness,” he said. “We see the menorah today and we're thankful that we live in a country where we have freedom of religion and freedom of expression."

"And whether we're Jewish, whether we're Christian, whether we're of any other religions, we have the rights and the freedom to celebrate and observe our religion,” Gourarie said.

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With the holiday nearing and still plenty of work left, Wolf rushed to cut, polish and glue this year's menorah. The Jersey City shooting is in the back of his mind, along with other violence aimed at Jewish communities.

"It is very, very close to home, and the same way it happened there it could happen right here," he said. "So, the attack just wakes us up to pray God and thank him and ask him to protect us and save us because no one else will."

Back in Jackson, the menorah-maker took a moment as he aligned the pieces that will form the candlestick for the eight branches of his candelabra. After a rare moment of silence,  the ever loquacious Wolf explained why he goes through so much work to light one menorah by his window each year. 

"We've always been persecuted and had been through dark times," Wolf said. "And a menorah with its small lights is the light within the dark and it's to show us that no matter how far or deep or how low you are, this is the light from it within the dark."  

Gustavo Martínez Contreras covers Lakewood. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at El Paso and the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York. Contact him at or at 732-643-4061.

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