This lesson involved mostly the imagination. It is Remarkable what the brain can do with measuring parts of the body.
The lesson comes from Dr.Moshe's Crossing Lines, where the whole body is measured and mapped.
For example, if you measured the tip of your Right shoulder to the Left hip crest, and then compared it to the tip of the Left shoulder to the Right hip crest, would those 2 lines be different?
Are they are different?
Where on the body do they intersect?
And if you were invited to turn them into elastic bands that stayed on when you walked, how would that effect your walking?
Well, we did about 20 minutes of this internal analysis, and you can hear what happened to some students!
In Brain/Body Balance Series we will explore BALANCE from our ankles to our head and EYES, fine tuning our amazing proprioceptive abilities so that we feel more secure in our body while we move through our day.
To avoid over-stimulation and overwhelm, the classes are only 20 minutes. We meet twice a week to build the building blocks of support for balance.