I think of having a regular Feldenkrais® Method practice as a way of extending the life of my joints.
I think of the learning that happens as updating the software!
You all have received messages on your phone that some apps need updating, or the software on your device needs updating. This is because there are glitches and inefficiencies that are detected by the software company. When this happens, you are asked to update the software.
We all have glitches in the way we organize our brain for different tasks.
The movement lessons Dr. Feldenkrais created, helps us detect these glitches. By being curious and open to attending to our “software”, we get really good at smoothing out those errors.
Just by “seeing” them, our brain works at reorganizing its messages to our muscles! WOW
This is why I love having a Feldenkrais practice, and why I love teaching these Awareness Through Movement® classes
For those who have already registered... I think you know what I mean!
This is what I will be teaching starting this Wednesday, weekly at 12pm - 12:30pm ET, (9am PT) (5pm UK)
All lessons are recorded as a video file and placed in your course platform to review any time you wish.
Join me for Body Brain Recharge 1 and 2.