MINE TO GAIN by Maggie Rawdon
Wordsmith Publicity is so excited to invite you to participate in the release events for MINE TO GAIN by Maggie Rawdon, coming June 20th!  

Cover Reveal: May 8
Teasers: May 21, 28, June 4, 11
Excerpt: June 12
Countdown: June 16-19
Release: June 20
Review Tour Begins: June 20


Moving in with your ex's brother should have been an easy fix...

Blurb to come! This is Bea and Cooper's story.

* If you cannot review or post in a timely manner, please notify Wordsmith Publicity at: wordsmithpublicity@gmail.com as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in disqualification for future review opportunities.

* You will be sent a form after release to enter your review link. Failure to review after receiving an ARC will automatically disqualify you from receiving future arcs unless you have discussed with Autumn. Again, we understand life so no big deal. We just want to know in advance.

We appreciate your interest  and hope you enjoy it.

As always, we look forward to working with you!

XO, Autumn

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Would you like to share the Countdown posts: June 16-19?

Would you like to post the Release Blast on: June 20
Would you like to participate in the review tour for MINE TO GAIN? 
Reviews will be due on the date you choose. 
If you signed up to review, please provide your kindle address below and approve @gmail.com on your kindle. 
*Answering does NOT guarantee you'll get a box. These will be limited.
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*Answering does NOT guarantee you'll get a box. These will be limited. 
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