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Carson Brothers #4

One More Truth

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Jessica and Troy’s gripping story concludes with the third book of the HIDDEN SECRETS TRILOGY as passion and danger collide . . .

After everything she’s been through over the past ten years, Jess should be focusing on her healing. She should be figuring out where her future will take her. And she should be finding herself after her abusive husband ripped away her identity.

Too bad someone else has different plans.

After a national newspaper article reveals to everyone in Maple Ridge about her past and her shame, Jess’s life and plans are put in jeopardy. Prejudices in the town run strong against her—prejudices because of where she spent the last five years.

But it’s not only her life that is at risk. Everything that matters to Troy, the man she’s falling in love with, will be ruined…unless she finds a way to stop it all from crumbling before it’s too late.

Stop it before the truth destroys Jess and all that she loves…

The dual timeline story is the final novel in Hidden Secrets trilogy. The books in the trilogy must be read in order. All other books in the Carson Brother series are standalone.


ONE MORE CHANCE (Lucas & Simone, standalone)

ONE MORE SECRET (Troy & Jessica, book 1 of the Hidden Heart Trilogy)

ONE MORE BETRAYAL (Troy & Jessica, book 2 of the Hidden Heart Trilogy)

ONE MORE TRUTH ((Troy & Jessica, book 3 of the Hidden Heart Trilogy; coming May 2024)

500 pages, ebook

Published May 30, 2024

57 people are currently reading
93 people want to read

About the author

Stina Lindenblatt

53 books822 followers
Born in Brighton England, USA Today bestselling author Stina Lindenblatt has lived in a number of countries, including England, the US, Finland, and Canada. This would explain her mixed up accent. She has a kinesiology degree and a MSc in sports biological sciences. In addition to writing fiction, she loves photography, and currently lives in Calgary, Canada, with her husband and three kids.

To receive an email when Stina releases a new book or has pre-orders available, sign up for her newsletter over at https://stinalindenblattauthor.com/ne...!

Stina can be found on her website: https://stinalindenblattauthor.com









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Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
5,579 reviews193 followers
May 24, 2024
5 Star review of One More Truth (Carson Brothers #5) by Stina Lindenblatt
If you haven’t read the previous books then STOP as these books must be read in order. I couldn’t wait to see what Ms. Lindenblatt had in store for Jessica Smithson and Troy Carson in One More Truth, the conclusion to their story.

Set in Maple Ridge, their friendship has blossomed despite Jessica’s initial reluctance. When the truth is revealed, will they be ripped apart?

Jessica has been through so much and her PTSD ensures she has a long road of healing ahead. The romantic suspense element added an additional layer to the story line as her past comes back to haunt her.

One More Truth is a fast packed story that had me riveted from the first chapter to the last.

A fitting conclusion to this roller coaster of a series.
Profile Image for Brenda.
398 reviews6 followers
June 12, 2024
Wow! what a finish for Jessica and Troy

I’ll reminded everyone that this book is a dual timeline story. A set of journals found by Jessica(present) give us insight to the continued love story of Angelique and Johann (past). The intricacies of their love pulled at my heart strings, and the plot twist. Wow. Their love story takes place during WW II as Angelique was a SOE, special operations executive during the war, and he was seen as the enemy. We also see Jessica and Troy’s love story continue to unfold. Jessica is still dealing with so much turmoil, trying to recover her life. She’s still facing her past which is haunting her present. These two women, are fierce, strong, and at the end of the day determined to fight for their lives. We see how similar these women are but yet they are separated by years. The storyline is full of devastation, and loss. But, it’s also full of love, understanding, patience, and healing. Again both of these love stories were heartfelt, emotional, took me on a ride and I couldn’t put the book down. Both Johann ( past) and Troy’s (present) love is just so unconditional. Of course there are many plot twist that kept me on my toes. But, I loved the stories ending and we get bonus content which was a chefs kiss. The story has an air of mystery, romantic suspense, and is complex. There is so much depth, hope, love, understanding from this story. It was beautifully written.
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,662 reviews204 followers
May 30, 2024


Jess and Troy are together, but there's an unsure quality to their relationship, given that Jess is still looking over her shoulder. Now her circle knows, but not the rest of the town. Once her secret is out, will it drive her away? Or will the love she's found not just with Troy, but in the welcoming arms of her found family, be enough to keep her here when her instincts tell her to run?

What a wonderful conclusion to Troy and Jess' story! There's about every conceivable emotion here - all the highs and lows to be found in life, plus suspense and mystery, both in the present, and in the historical side story. Through it all, Jess and Troy managed to fall in love, figure out if they were going to fight for that love, and deal with Jess' past, and the villagers in their present. I can't remember the last time I was rooting harder for a more deserving couple to get their happy ever after.

ARC provided by Wildfire Marketing Solutions for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Cat.
1,952 reviews1 follower
May 28, 2024
One more Truth is the 3rd and final book in this gripping series.
This book is where all the jigsaw pieces fall into place and all loose ends are tied up.
Will Troy and Jess stay together when her secret is discovered,now everyone knows about her previous life when she was Savannah..and the small town of Maple Ridge do not make it easy for Jess to leave her past behind.In fact they make it quite clear they don't want her living in their town,and I really felt for Jess and the isolation she was beginning to experience.Her saving grace was her new found friends and Troy the man she was falling in love with.
But Jess starts to doubt her self worth and that she simply isn't good enough for Troy,she couldn't give Troy the future he wanted.Why was he with her when she was so damaged?
Troy's love for Jess never faulted he did everything to show her how he felt about her,and his support never wavered even when peoples ignorance and hatred began to effect his life and buisness.He Loved Jess and would always be there for her,that is until the choice to be by her side was taken away from him.
It is also revealed that Jess is in danger and doesnt even realise it until it is too late...
What gets Jess through all the drama in her life is translating Angelique/Iris's journal and writing her novel about her life in France during WW2.
How Angelique helped defeat the Nazi's,how she fell in love with Johan a German soldier,how she survived being captured,the birth of their daughter and the fear and uncertainty of the future.
Honestly Angelique and Johan's story was so heartbreaking and inspiring it gave me pause for thought about the war of 1939-1945...A War that changed and effected so many lives.Most of us know relatives who fought in that war and Stina Lindenblatt brought that space and time to life perfectly.
It made me cry so much for all those men and women who sacrificed so much for our freedom.
I loved these chapters of the book just as much as Jess and Troys story,both romances have you reading in anticipation of what would happen.
Angelique's courage gives Jess the courage to carry on and face people's prejudices towards her..Jess is such a sweet soul she always puts other peoples happiness before her own.I think she is one of the bravest characters I have ever read about because after all she has been through she still keeps going getting through each day and trying to make a better life for herself.
I could go on and on and on about this book and this whole series of how Phenomenal it is,but you would have to read it for yourself to truly understand how powerful this trilogy is.
Stina Lindenblatt's writing is beautiful and captivating she pulled off flawlessy the telling of two compelling romances being told side by side,one historical and one contemporary.
Both filled with suspense,emotion and page turning I have loved every moment I spent reading this book,and finding out how Jess and Troy's love will endure.
An Excellent ending to two Epic romances.
5 Stars.
This book is NOT a standalone and must be read after book 1 One More Secret and book 2 One More Betrayal.
Profile Image for Janine - The World Was Hers for the Reading.
1,455 reviews26 followers
June 3, 2024
One More Truth picks up where One More Betrayal ended and cannot be read as a standalone. It is the final book in the Hidden Secrets Trilogy.

One More Truth gives readers the conclusion to both Angelique and Jessica’s stories. I’m still in awe as to how the author wove these timelines together in such a masterful and completely emotional way. I teared up multiple times in this book. Both women went through so much more than any one person should ever have to deal with, yet not only kept surviving, but fighting as well for the life they deserved, yet continually sacrificing for those that matters most to them.

With Angelique’s story, we see the end of the war and how she finally made it to Maple Ridge. Her tale is so heartbreakingly bittersweet and had me feeling like I was facing the traumas of WWII right along with her. I also loved the plot twist with this part of the story that helps bring Angelique’s tale to more than just Jess.

Jess is also facing a whirlwind of new trauma as her identity is outed, and Maple Ridge doesn’t react well. Heartbreak doesn’t even begin to cover what she is going through. And, all of this also puts strain on her relationship with Troy. She’s also left trying to find out who killed her husband and what that means for her . . . because she definitely is feeling paranoid, and with good cause.

Without giving anything away, I’m left feeling stunned having watched both stories play out. The resilience and character that both Jess and Angelique display was breathtaking. And, watching all of the people around them who helped them along their journeys so they could finally find the peace they needed to heal and move on was truly beautiful.

Do not pass this trilogy by! Its unique and complex plot will literally drag you into another time and place. Its intricate storyline has many twists and turns, yet feels easy to read even as your emotions are pulled from the lowest of lows to each woman’s version of a happy ever after. 5 stars!
Profile Image for Kasey.
155 reviews
May 31, 2024
One More Truth is the conclusion to Troy and Jess’s story. It must be read in order, so stop what you are doing and go pick up the first book in their journey- One More Secret.

The story picks up from where the second book ends in which the town discovers Jess’s secret and the reader sees how the town reacts to it, Jess must confront her past and deal with the feelings of her lack of self worth, depression, anxiety, and newfound love. For everything that Jessica dealt with, the disappointment over and over again, and what she experiences with some of the townspeople, she has this inner strength to wake up everyday and keep going through life. She doesn’t know if she deserves this beautiful new life but she fights for it! Troy is also a pillar of strength and love for Jess. He never wavers in his love for her and makes sure everyone knows who Jess really is and defends her to the town. He is very protective of her! I loved how her friends stayed by her side throughout it all as well! They were such a great support group for her. This was an amazing and emotional conclusion to Troy and Jess’s story filled with romance, a great group of friends, mental health rep and of course suspense. Although, I loved Troy and Jess’s, the dual timeline of Angelique and Johan’s story has to be my favorite. I always wanted more when the one chapter of Angelique’s story was over and I was on the edge of my seat to see what would happen to her! With everything that happened to her as well, she had the same inner strength that Jess had and pushed forward to give her daughter a beautiful life! Overall, this was a great read and I thought the ending was a beautiful conclusion to the trilogy!

🦋 Tropes 🦋

🦋 Romantic Suspense
🦋Mental Health Rep
🦋Ex Military
🦋 Found Family
🦋 Small Town
🦋 Dual Timeline
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Eileen.
2,434 reviews
May 29, 2024
One More Truth by Stina Lindenblatt, book three in the Hidden Secrets: Carson Brothers trilogy, once again takes you on a wild roller-coaster ride, pulling together all the threads of Jess and Troy’s lives before they can reach a forever love together. This trilogy hits a lot of emotions and deep issues and must be read in order. As more secrets are revealed during this conclusion to Jess and Troy's story, the group of friends and found family became a much needed support for Jess. The depth of emotion Ms. Lindenblatt brings to her characters kept this reader glued to the page, wondering how it would all end.

Many of the fears Jessica worried about after having been exposed as Savannah are happening. Between the emotional scenes of confrontations with fellow villagers, revelations during her therapy, reaching out to her daughter's adoptive parents for visiting rights, finding her passion; causing her friends to fear for her and wonder how much she can handle before reaching her breaking point. Troy's patience is incredibly tested, between his work and emotional load, the weekend warrior trips, the benefit festival to be organized, his own business coming under extreme pressure and the great concern for Jess's welfare. All this pressure precedes a confrontation that will make or break them. Tension only rises when Jessica again becomes a pawn in the mystery of who actually killed her husband and what is wanted from her. Add in the parallel storylines between Jess and Troy’s romance with that of Angelique and Johann’s story; a story filled with tension, loss, happiness and grief during WWII. Angelique’s diary provided the background and idea for Jess’ future as a writer.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

Profile Image for Geri Stoikova.
422 reviews4 followers
May 31, 2024
Wow , what an epic finale to Jess and Troy's story. One More Truth is the last book in the Hidden Secrets trilogy and it's such an emotional whirlwind and a rollercoaster of events that keeps the suspense line in the story front and center. On both timelines. Halfway reading it came to me that Stina Lindenblatt actually wrote two stories so perfectly woven into each other that you loose sense of time while reading it. I was so invested in the story that I come to this realization just now and that means only one thing, that the author did a fantastic job of writing it. And that a five stars are way too little to rate this book. Angelique and Johann's story was historically correct and so well represented the situation in Europe during WW II . Also is in the fashion of the latest historical fiction that represents new facts about the French Resistance and the fact that so many foreigners participated in it . Reading Angelique's journals helped Jess come to terms with a part of her life and with her past decisions and to find a new way to be in her daughter's life. Jess story is also a reminder that no matter how advanced the society is people are easily manipulated and mislead if they choose to stay ignorant and narrow minded. And it takes courage to admit that you're wrong and to apologize for your mistake. Both Troy and Jess grow as characters and find their happily ever after and help each other heal . After all the events pile up and build up the suspense in the story, the chain reaction they cause results in tying up all the loose ends and bring peace to Jess and Troy. I was so glad of some of the conclusions and that epilogue made me so happy. Also I'm a little sad that's the end of a great series but now I can't wait to see if there will be stories about the other Carson brothers.

Thanks to the author and the Wildfire Marketing Solutions for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of this book.
Profile Image for Laura Black Reads.
468 reviews5 followers
May 25, 2024
The third instalment of the Hidden Secrets trilogy does a brilliant job of pulling together all the threads of Jess and Troy’s lives and setting them up with a happily ever after. As you’d expect there’s plenty of twists and turns for them both. Jess’ journey is a bleak one, and she has lots of demons to face - in the present and the past. Troy’s life is less complicated (and tragic) but he has a lot to navigate as well.

This one kicks off straight after One More Secret and One More Betrayal and you do need to read the three books in order. There are some pretty tough themes, including grief, anxiety, PTSD, domestic and partner violence but it’s not misery porn and these tough topics are balanced with lots of tender and essentially optimistic moments. For romantic suspense, this trilogy has everything! It’s steamy 🌶🌶 as well and the growing relationship between Troy and Jess contrasts effectively with the darker aspects of the plot.

It’s hard to believe all three novels take place over about six months. By having three novels, there’s time to unravel all the threads of Jessica’s past and pull it together.

And … for icing on all this deliciousness, Angelique’s story of her wartime adventures also comes to an end, even as it gives Jess a future opportunity as a writer. It’s a bit meta, and super fun!

Thank you NetGalley, and Stina Lindenblatt for the ARCs. Opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Carrie.
103 reviews8 followers
January 1, 2025

It took a bit for me to get to this book, book two was hit and miss for me, not sure why. The emotional rollercoaster was crazy. I knew it had to work out in the end, but I still didn’t see how it was going to happen, so many things working against the two main characters, Troy and Jess. I have never been in an abusive relationship, and, to my knowledge, don’t know anyone personally who has. However, it didn’t stop me from feeling upset for Jess with the way people were treating her after learning about her past. I understand that it isn’t as simple as leaving. Maybe it’s all the books I’ve read where it’s a topic within them, so I understand the manipulation and solitude that the wife (and sometimes husband) endures. This book was a very good wrap up conclusion to the trilogy, and I was sad to finish it, but glad to have the closure.

I had a hard time reviewing this book. With the first part of the review, it asks how it made me feel. Well, at the end, it was a satisfied, smitten, happy feeling, but through the book, I was angry at the actions of others; I was sad for Jess’s loss; I was sad for Iris’s loss and sacrifices. At one point, I had to put the book down and cry for my own losses that I’ve endured over the years, some of them more fresh than others. This book hit all the emotions, and for someone who doesn’t really have triggers, this one hit all of mine.
Profile Image for Trace.
90 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2024
Wow. What a heartbreak and heart wrenching final book of Jess and Troy's books. Such an emotional rollercoaster. Have to admit... cried a few tears with this one.
Jess has been thru so much and in this book she is pushed to the extreme. With her old name and where she lives is revealed her life is turned upside down again. A lot of the town has turned against her and protestors are at her home and everywhere she seems to go. Troy is trying to help but even his world is spiraling out of control. Everything going on with Jess has now affected his business.
With all this going on Jess makes some hard decisions. She has lost so much.
Just when you think things have to get better they don't . Someone from her past comes into her life.
When this happening though the truth comes out about what happened the night her husband Wayne was murder and who did it is final revealed.
Jess and Troy get their happy ending they so deserve. With a few surprises in the last 2 chapters made me very happy.
As for Angelique and Johann... talk about ups and downs and heartbreak.. will not spoil that for you but get some tissues out for them too. Love the journels she wrote and tell her story. Talk about losing eveything and everyone.
Thank you Stina for a wonderful amazing story. The good and the heartbreaking.
Profile Image for BookAddict.
1,934 reviews188 followers
May 19, 2024
Since this is a trilogy, you’ll definitely want to start at the beginning. That said, hold on to your hat because this is one breathtaking, invigorating ride! We pick back up with Jessica and Troy in Maple Ridge. There was a lot of excitement in the first two parts, so hopefully things are settling down for Jessica and Troy.

If you’ve read both Secrets and Betrayals, you know everything Jess and Troy have been through. But that's nothing compared to what's in store for them here. We knew it would happen, even though we hoped we were wrong. Word has gotten out who Jessica really is, and the article reveals where she’s living. You can imagine the firestorm this unleashes in Jessica and Troy's lives.

I’m not sure the last time I saw a storyteller put her characters through so much. It’s astonishing they survive what would level the average person. Between Jess's ongoing ordeal and the historical story we have through found journals, I gobbled this up in one sitting, often picking my jaw up off the ground. It's hypnotic and riveting and I hung on every word. This trilogy is one of my all-time favorite reads, and I highly recommend this unforgettable, masterful, extraordinary romance.
Profile Image for Candace Marie.
322 reviews19 followers
May 8, 2024
✨ Spoilers ✨


One More Truth - Stina Lindenblatt



𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬:

- Jessica
- Troy


"Bruises and scars I wish I could simply kiss away. Kiss away and leave her fully healed both inside and out."

"“I’ve got you, Jess. I will always have you."

“Promise me if you do ever feel scared and overwhelmed— about us or anything— you’ll talk to me about."


Jessica has been through it all and it just continues to rain down on her. With Troy by her side will it all come to an end?


My heart was all over the place with this trilogy. I felt all the emotions. Poor Jessica went though it. She was dragged and she never gave up. I loved the characters growth in this final book. Troy and Jessica were such a powerful couple. Slowly they put together the broken pieces of their life and it ended amazingly. I'm so glad to have had this ending. I didn't expect certain people to come around but they did and it made my heart melt. I so enjoyed this trilogy and I can't wait to see what this author brings next.


• Suspense
• Dual pov
• He falls hard
• Found family
• Hea


Profile Image for Elie  Hernalsteen .
263 reviews6 followers
May 10, 2024
And there it is, the final book of this magnificent trilogy. We finally have the answers to all our questions, but at what cost? Once again, in this installment, Stina Lindenblatt surprised me and made me feel a ton of emotions.

I have to say that even though I really like the character of Jess, she sometimes annoyed me a bit with Troy, but I understand why she reacts that way. I'm glad to see that she finally has the happy ending she deserves and that she can live happily and not in fear. From the first book to this one, Jess is the character who has evolved the most and for the better. In just a few months (in the book), she has become a strong woman again and has found her way.
As usual, I really liked the character of Troy, who is ready to do anything for Jess. I loved the fact that he's willing to stand up to everyone to defend her. I also really like the secondary characters who are there for Jess, who have never judged her and have always supported her.

This book is just beautiful and full of emotions.

I hope to read more about the other characters and learn more about them.
Profile Image for Nicole.
4,051 reviews50 followers
May 30, 2024
4.5 Stars
The final installment in the Hidden Secrets trilogy. This picks right up on the cliff hanger from the second book. Boy is this book so good. I loved the dual timeline storyline going on. We gets answers to what happened with Angelique and Johann. That kept me on the edge of my seat because there are truly some life or death moments. Then We have Jess and Troy. Those two are going to be tested big time. Jess's past is going to come a calling. That had me on the edge of my seat as well. The journey she takes in this whole trilogy shows her inner strength. It's full of ups and downs. Troy is awesome and shows why I love a good cinnamon roll hero. He is the person Jessica deserves in her corner. His brothers are just as awesome. This book is good and it is what I was looking for to end this trilogy. I got all the answers I was looking for both storylines. Some are the outcome I wanted some not. There is one thing that happens for Jessica that made so happy and made it so worth everything she endured. The epilogue was absolute perfect note to end this trilogy on. I can't recommend the Hidden Secrets trilogy enough. It delivers on the heat, heart, and the suspenseful moments.
252 reviews
May 29, 2024
Years to make up for. This is the last book from this series, but the first that I have read and after finishing it, won’t be the last. The story is told from multiple perspectives and partially from different time periods. The beginning is rather hard to get thru as all the characters are introduced and their stories begin. With several people in each of the scenarios and a dog that has a name that could belong to a human, the confusion disappeared when I remembered it was the dog. The characters are all interconnected and the joy and heartbreak they experience feels so real. There is a mix of twists, turns, trials and tragedies that befall the main characters and are intricately woven into the story. The storylines offer intriguing stories on their own but to mix them together it becomes really suspenseful. Be prepared to growl at the injustices, question the motives, cry at the heartbreak and cheer for the victims. Once you get in the rhythm of the plot it becomes hard to put down.
Profile Image for Amy Reierson.
1,204 reviews16 followers
June 1, 2024
If you haven't read the previous books in the series just know this is the third in this couples story. Oh and what a magnificent story it is. But it's not only their story because there is another story uncovered along the way. So told in dual timelines these two tales have been gripping and emotional, pulling at my heart strings.
There is no shortage of content not once did I lose interest and think wow do I need a break. There is suspense, mystery, history, with spy and military involvement, danger, psychological education, both good and bad, in that there are a lot of mental health things mentioned and just enough information left about them to make things easy to look into if a person wants to.
The resilience of the females in both timelines is amazing and inspiring and their support systems, well it's books like these that make me wish everyone had that same support in their lives.
I have voluntarily left this review.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
1,816 reviews17 followers
May 31, 2024
First off, if you haven’t read the first two books in this trilogy…stop right now! You need to read and enjoy them in order, because there’s a lot going on and you don’t want to miss any of it.
While Angelique’s story was interesting, I always suspected where it would lead. I loved the true-life history that set the backdrop to her life during WWII. The real draw for me, though, was Jessica and her finding her way through the awful things that had happened to her…and hopefully finding true happiness. She was the biggest draw for me. Troy was great, and while I wanted him to be happy as well, I was totally invested in Jessica.
The author did a fantastic job of overlapping the past and present and created an intricate, beautifully told story that was a joy to experience along with the characters.
Profile Image for Jackie Wright.
5,799 reviews135 followers
May 22, 2024
One More Truth is the conclusion to Troy and Jessica’s journey and this book picks up where book two finished so please make sure you have read the previous books before reading this one.
We finally get the answers to Jessica’s past through flashback journals and now Troy can do what is needed to protect the woman who holds his heart in her hands. I loved seeing this couple get the HEA they both deserved and the epilogue was just perfect because to find out where everyone is now really finished this trilogy in the best way.
This trilogy is a heartwarming and heartbreaking journey, it’s beautifully written with characters you will want to cheer on. Perfect conclusion to a wonderful read. Can’t wait to see where this very talented author takes us next.
Profile Image for Joyce M. H..
1,358 reviews17 followers
June 4, 2024
This is the 3rd book in the “Hidden Secrets The Carson Brothers Trilogy Series.” This is entertaining suspenseful, mystery, mayhem, danger, drama, secrets, abusive husband, healing, romance, twists, turns, page turning adventure, great characters and plot that held me captive. An article is written about Jessica’s past revealing everything that leads to her living in Maple Ridge. As Jessica and Troy are dealing with all that has happened can the two find true romance and have an HEA that they desire and deserve. This is an awesome series and can’t wait to see with Stina Lindenblatt has in store for her readers next.

I received an ARC via Booksprout and I am leaving my review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Megan.
315 reviews1 follower
May 14, 2024
Wow! 🤯
What a way to close out Jess and Troy’s story! 🫢
Between all 3 books this two have been through everything together! Like the worst possible scenarios of life 🫣!
(Crazy to think that these 3 books only span a 7month time frame is even more 🤯)
I loved the closure that we get with Troy and Jess and with them FINALLY getting their HEA! 😍 I love them!!
And to get all the answers and such from the flashback journals and omg how 💔 was all of that 😭
I love where this book ended up, I am so glad it was broken down into 3 parts and I especially loved the epilogue showing where everyone is now! 🤭
Profile Image for Wendy Livingstone.
18.8k reviews234 followers
June 1, 2024
This is the third and conclusion part to Troy and Jessica’s breathtaking trilogy.
Troy and Jessica are slowly piecing together their life, and an article is written about who Jessica really is, and reveals that she is living in Maple Ridge, turning their lives upside down.
This is a well written story which is an action packed, emotional roller coaster, with danger, suspense, intrigue, prejudices, humor, healing, romance, passion, and love, which leads to an entertaining, tragic, twisted, unpredictable, haunting, and thrilling addictive page turner.
I look forward to reading more from this talented author whose work I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Vanessa  Ramirez .
909 reviews4 followers
May 23, 2024
✨ Review ✨
One More Truth was so good!!! I loved Jess and Troy so much in this story. They showed their true strength and love. The demons they faced were huge but they were both about to overcome them. Iris story was so good too. I loved the action and the ending. Both ending were beautiful in their own way. Jess and Troy deserve their HEA and I was so glad they were both able to make amends.
Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Romance: 🩷🩷🩷
Spice: 🔥
Thank you to Stina Lindenblatt for the ARC to review.
Profile Image for Kamila Mykhailiuk.
963 reviews9 followers
May 30, 2024
I absolutely loved this conclusion to Jessica and Troy’s love story. Amazing characters and wonderful plot. Very beautifully written and easy to read.

Jessica Smithson and Troy Carson are now together, but it’s still uncertain. Her secret is out to everyone. In this story there are a lot of suspense and romance, friendship. Jess and Troy deal with her past together. Troy’s support never wavered. Jessica and Troy truly were made for each other. Their chemistry and passion were very strong.

Overall I loved this book very much. I definitely recommend reading it.
Profile Image for Laura ( Latteandbookz ).
1,331 reviews13 followers
June 3, 2024
This has left me with my feelings all over the place. Jess has been though the ringer with her past and soon comes calling her back. This read has it all romance, love, humor, tragedy and suspense plus more. I have read other books by this author, but this one is one that had me the most emotional with everything that happens for Troy and Jess to get there happy ending they both deserve.

Blog for more.
52 reviews1 follower
June 4, 2024
A long awaited finale to this series!! I was so taken with this book and couldn’t read it quick enough to find out what happens! There were quite a few twists that I didn’t see coming and kept me wanting to read. This whole series was a great read! Great writing and I loved the dual storylines! Both stories were incredible in their own unique ways and both were written with such care and attention. This was a great series that I would highly recommend!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
360 reviews2 followers
June 18, 2024
This was a great end to the story of Troy and Jess. These two individuals have gone through so much and this book is no different. Jess feels like someone is watching her and when a story is published stating who she really is and where she lives people will not leave her alone. Troy just wants Jess to accept his love and return it. All of the stress he is under and the hate from people for him being with an Jess. Will they be able to make it through all the challenges and still have a relationship? I was given a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
13 reviews
March 10, 2025

I loved the story of Jess and Troy. The emotional roller coaster along with the mystery suspense was perfect. I would love to read more about Iris and Johann as a separate short story. And to see how they and the people from that time still kept in touch and involved in peoples lives.

This story felt very true and I loved how PTSD was woven in the story. As someone who has it I can honestly say that it was aptly depicted and it’s true no one suffers the same and deals with it the same.
Profile Image for S.
1,513 reviews37 followers
May 23, 2024
One More Truth is the conclusion to Troy and Jessica’s Story. There was still a lot to go through and before they can put back everything together and get their HEA . This was fast paced with more twist and a very satisfying ending of this trilogy. Since this is a trilogy I would highly suggest reading the first two books before reading this one. Definitely a must read. Looking forward to reading what the author would write next.
1,599 reviews5 followers
May 28, 2024
4.5 stars
Powerful is the best word that I can find to describe this story and series. While the themes and content won’t be easy for a lot of people to read, the story is written with care and compassion and you can see and feel it. Jess and Troy are warriors in their own way – especially Jess with everything she has gone through and goes through in this book. I love that therapy plays such an important role in this book and series. It shows the importance of therapy in people’s lives and that it isn’t a sign of weakness but rather one of strength. This book will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions along with the characters. The books in this series should be read in order for the best experience. These characters and their story captured my attention from the start.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews

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