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Director Nomination Form
Application to stand for Association of Volunteer Managers board elections. The Association of Volunteer Managers is a company limited by guarantee no. 6224866.

We ask you to provide your email address, so we can easily communicate with you but also send you a copy of the nomination you submit.
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Email *
Full Name *
Email address *
Phone Number *
Nomination Information: 

Please explain why you should be elected to the board of the Association of Volunteer Managers
This information will be shared with the AVM membership as part of the election process. You can see examples from current directors on the AVM website

Only the first 250 words will be included in your election manifesto. Any typos, grammatical errors or other mistakes will not be corrected.
Your previous activity with AVM

To be a director, you must have been an active member in the last two years.

Please could you provide a brief list of your activity with AVM in the last two years (this will be checked by the nominations team and not shared further).

You must meet the following criteria to stand as a Director for AVM.
Conflicts of interest

As Directors, we are required to disclose any conflict of 
interest. This could include working / volunteering with an AVM partner, competitor or supplier organisation. 

Having a conflict of interest does not automatically stop you from being appointed as a AVM Director and each nomination is reviewed on a case by case basis. Some conflicts may stop you from being a board member or fully participating. 

It is usually best to speak about these before proceeding with nominations. Would you like to discuss any potential conflicts of interest? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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