Area of flexibility
Reference in MPGs (Annex to decision 18/CMA.1)
Flexibility provisions for those developing country Parties that need flexibility in the light of their capacities
GHG inventory
Key category analysis
Option to identify fewer key categories; less complex methodologies can be used to estimate GHG emissions and or removals for these categories
para. 25
Flexibility to identify key categories using a threshold no lower than 85 per cent in place of the 95 per cent threshold defined in the IPCC guidelines (i.e. key categories are those that, when summed together in descending order of magnitude, add up to 95 percent of the national sum of the absolute values of emissions and removals).
Uncertainty assessment
Option to omit reporting of quantitative uncertainty information if data are not available
para. 29
Flexibility to provide, at a minimum, a qualitative discussion of uncertainty for key categories, using the IPCC guidelines, both for the latest inventory year and the trend, instead of quantitatively estimating and qualitatively discussing the uncertainty of the emissions and removal estimates for all categories, including inventory totals, for at least the starting year and the latest reporting year of the inventory time series and also estimating the trend uncertainty for these same categories/ inventory totals for the entire time series.
Option to omit estimation of more insignificant categories
para. 32
Flexibility to consider emissions insignificant if the likely level of emissions is below 0.1 per cent of the national total GHG emissions, excluding LULUCF, or 1,000 kt CO2 eq, whichever is lower. For the other Parties that do use flexibility provisions, a category can only be considered insignificant if the likely level of emissions is below 0.05 per cent of the national total GHG emissions, excluding LULUCF, or 500 kt CO2 eq, whichever is lower. If flexibility is chosen, the total national aggregate of estimated emissions for all gases from categories considered insignificant, shall remain below 0.2 per cent of the national total GHG emissions, excluding LULUCF, as opposed to 0.1 per cent for other Parties.
Option to neither develop a formal QA/QC plan nor provide information on general QC procedures implemented
para. 34
Developing countries that need flexibility in light of their capacities are encouraged to elaborate an inventory QA/QC plan in accordance with the IPCC guidelines, including information on the inventory agency responsible for implementing QA/QC; instead of a mandatory requirement to elaborate the QA/QC plan for other Parties.
para. 35
Developing countries that need flexibility in light of their capacities are encouraged to implement and provide information on general inventory QC procedures in accordance with their QA/QC plan and the IPCC guidelines; instead of mandatory requirement to implement and provide this information.
Option to report fewer GHGs
para. 48
Flexibility to report at least 3 gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) as well as any of the additional four gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) that are included in the Party’s NDC under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, are covered by an activity under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, or have been previously reported; instead of mandatory requirement to report on the basket of 7 gases.
Time series
Option to report a shorter time series and
an earlier “latest reporting year”
para. 57
Flexibility to report data covering, at a minimum, the reference year/period for its NDC and, in addition, a consistent annual time series from at least 2020 onward; instead of mandatory requirement to report a consistent annual time series starting from 1990.
para. 58
Flexibility that the latest reporting year shall be no more than three years prior to the submission of the national inventory report, compared to no more than two years for Parties to which flexibility is not applicable.
Mitigation policies and measures, actions and plans
Estimates of expected and achieved GHG emissions reductions
Option to omit reporting these estimates
para. 85
Developing countries that need flexibility in light of their capacities are encouraged to report estimates of expected and achieved GHG emission reductions for their actions, policies and measures in tabular format; instead of a mandatory requirement to report this information.
Projections of GHG emissions and removals
Option to omit reporting projections, or report less details
para. 92
Developing countries that need flexibility in light of their capacities are encouraged to report projections pursuant to paras. 93-101 of the MPGs; instead of a mandatory requirement to report this information.
para. 95
Flexibility to extend projections at least to the end point of their NDCs; instead of extending for at least 15 years beyond the next year ending in zero or five applicable for other Parties.
para. 102
Flexibility to report less detail information (methodology and coverage).
Technical expert review
Format of review
Option to be subject to a centralized review in lieu of in-country review
para. 159
Flexibility to undergo a centralized instead of an in-country review but are encouraged to undergo an in-country review. Parties that are not subject to flexibility in light of their capacities shall undergo an ICR for a) the first BTR, b) at least two BTRs in a 10-year period, of which one is the BTR that contains information on the Party’s achievement of the NDC, c) if there was a recommendation to have an ICR in the previous BTR review report and d) Parties that request it.
Responding to TERT questions
Option for more time to respond to the TERT’s questions
para. 162 (c)
Flexibility to provide information within three weeks of the date the questions were received, compared to two weeks applicable for other Parties.
Responding to TERT's review report
Option for more time to provide comments to the draft report
para. 162 (f)
Flexibility to take three months to provide comments to the draft report, compared to one month applicable for other Parties.
Facilitative multilateral consideration of progress
Responding to written questions
Option for more time to respond to written questions
para. 193 (c)
Flexibility to respond in writing to the Parties’ questions no later than two weeks prior to the working group session through an online platform, compared to no later than one month applicable for other Parties.