Press Releases
Disappearance & killing of 3 Rajouri youth in alleged ‘fake encounter’ continuation of unaccountable nature of state violence in Kashmir: JKCCS and APDP
The disappearance and killing of three youth from Rajouri in an alleged fake encounter in Amshipora, Shopian on 18 July is a reminder of the deeply […]Bi-annual HR Review: 229 killings, 107 CASO’s, 55 internet shutdowns, 48 properties destroyed
This bi-annual report on the situation of human rights in IAJK covers the period from 1 January to 30 June 2020.Annual Human Rights Review 2019
2019 Annual Human Rights Review Executive Summary This report on the situation of human rights in Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir (henceforth J&K) covers the period […]Six-monthly HR Review: 271 Killings, 177 CASOs, 51 internet blockades
Download Six Monthly HR Review (Jan-June 2019) Press Release 03.07.2019 The first half of 2019 in Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir (IAJK) witnessed continued and […]International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: JKCCS and APDP seek UN OHCHR access to Kashmir to investigate allegations of torture
Press Statement 26.06.2019 The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) and Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS) is observing the International Day in Support […]
Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) was established in 1994, when a large number of parents/relatives of disappeared persons used to visit the Jammu and Kashmir High Court to file or to pursue Habeas Corpus petitions. It was felt that there was a need for a collective to campaign on the issue of disappearances – whether in the courts or otherwise. APDP is technically not a human right group but an association of persons demanding the truth and whereabouts of the disappeared. Any family member of a disappeared person can be a member of the association.
Public Commission on Human Rights (PCHR) is an independent human rights organization founded in 2002 by Advocate Parvez Imroz . PCHR is a reconstituted outfit of a human rights organization, Kashmir Monitor, which has been working in Kashmir since 1994. PCHR has been documenting human rights violations and disseminating the information through its monthly newsletter “The Informative Missive.” Most of the information published in the newsletter is first hand, collected by the various fact-finding teams constituted by PCHR. Besides documentation, the commission also provides free legal assistance to victims of human rights violations.
The International Peoples’ Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Indian- administered Kashmir (IPTK) was founded in April 2008. IPTK seeks to examine charges of structural and institutionalized violence in Jammu and Kashmir and engage with the international community.
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