2-6th June, Pontevedra, Galicia

Abstracts submission 

Abstract submission deadline has been expired

Submitting terms and Instructions are available bellow. If you are having trouble filling out the submission form, please contact the technical secretariat at: contributions.sibecol-aeet-meeting2025@aeet.org . We will guide you through the registration and submission process.

We want to highlight the value of poster presentations! Thus, we encourage participants, especially those further along in their careers, to consider presenting their work as a poster. Our reflections on this suggestion are:

  1. Posters are an ideal format for meaningful exchange. We are giving posters a central role, with dedicated sessions that provide maximum visibility and encourage informal, in-depth conversations, offering a valuable platform to share your research, spark collaboration, and connect with a broader audience in a dynamic and friendly setting.
  2. The poster sessions will be accompanied by refreshments and snacks to help everyone recharge.
  3. To set an example, the organizing committee members will be presenting their own work exclusively as posters. Join us in making this a rich, interactive event by submitting your research as a poster!

 Submitting an abstract 

The call for abstracts has been extended and shall expire on Friday, 17th January 2025 (14:00 h. UTC+1). Abstracts must be submitted solely and exclusively through the on-line application provided for this purpose for being considered. Abstracts received by email will not be accepted. 

Accepted abstracts will be published into the abstract compilation-book of the meeting which will be edited and published in electronic format. 

Data fields on personal treatment and career stage are of voluntary compliance and will be used only for the purpose of participation statistics. Our societies are highly committed to the democratization of knowledge and its aim is to promote diversity within our scientific-academic community.

Abstracts and presentations will be solely accepted in English.


 Type of presentations You can apply for: 

  • Oral presentations: They will have a total length of 13 minutes (10 minutes for presentation  + 3 minutes for questions and discussion)
  • Poster presentations: Posters will be exhibited throughout the conference. To encourage the active participation of the attendees, a specific time slot has been scheduled each day in which the authors will be able to present their posters and discuss it with the interested parties.

Please read carefully the following instructions before submitting your abstract.



To encourage broad participation, each person may submit and present only one abstract as lead author, whether submitting an oral or poster presentation, however, a person may serve as a non-presenting co-author on several abstracts. Despite this restriction, in order to encourage a necessary dialogue on issues that are not strictly related to the subject-matters of ecological research, but are no less important, both, the General Session GS1 “Enhancing Inclusivity, Ethics, and Societal Impact in Science” and the Thematic Session TS(1)3 "Ecology in Education: ecological literacy as a tool to face global change" have been exempted from this rule and a second contribution focusing on inclusivity (GS1) or education (TS(1)3) can be submitted to one of these two sessions, either in oral or poster format.

  1. The presenting author must select one type-format of contribution: “oral" or "poster”.
  2. Session Assignment: Authors can contribute to any of the scientific sessions programmed. The presenting author must indicate preference for any particular session by selecting the corresponding theme at the drop-down menu. When choosing your session, please note that General sessions tend to be more crowded than the thematic ones. We recommend applying for a General Session (GS) only if you do not find affinity with any of the Thematic Session (TS) approaches.
  3. The presenting author must enter the following data of his/her contribution in the respective fields: the title* (sentence), the summary* (maximum total length of 250 words) structured in three sections: 1) Introduction; 2) Material and methods; 3) Results and discussion, and three or four keywords* (separated by comma). Optionally You can also upload a Word or pdf format file containing your proposal. 
  4. The presenting author must enter data of all authors* involved in strict sequential order as they want to appear in the abstract compilation, (forename, family name, affiliation centre and e-mail are required). When entering the name and surname of the main author and co-authors, be careful to use the name with which the author signs for scientific purposes. Please, make sure that everyone has been included. 
  5. The presenting author may optionally inform about their career status by selecting the corresponding profile** at the drop-down menu. Authors that have signed up as student or in either of the two early career categories (ECR), may apply for the best contributions in oral/poster ECRs Prizes.

*Please only capitalize the first word of sentences and proper nouns or acronyms.
** Options are: 1) Pre-doctoral student (degree or master); 2) ECR Doctoral student (PhD candidate); 3) ECR Post-doctoral (lecturers, up to 8 years after the PhD defence); 4) Advanced career, in non-permanent position; 5) Permanent position; 6) Technical personnel and 7) Others.

Please note that the whole abstract should be no longer than 250 words, and must be informative, present novel and unpublished research and explicit conclusions or at least preliminary results. Abstracts that do not meet the minimum quality requirements will be rejected by the Scientific Committee.

After clicking on the "Submit" button at the form page, an abstract ID will be automatically emailed to you. You can use this reference for any notification regarding your contribution. If you do not receive such a notification, please contact the Technical Secretariat at contributions.sibecol-aeet-meeting2025@aeet.org in order to confirm that your abstract was successfully received.

You will be able to log back in and re-edit your contribution at any time until the submission deadline (17th January 2025, 14:00 h. UTC+1). After that, you will not be able to modify any element (session, type of contribution, title, abstract, keywords or sequential list of authors). Before saving the final version, please review all the fields in the form to verify that all the information included is correct. Caution!! according to the one person/one submission rule, it is not possible to upload more than one contribution from the same user (except in case you have applied or want to apply to GS(1) or TS(1)3). If you log in again from the same user and re-edit any field of the already saved abstract, you will overwrite (delete) the data of the previously registered contribution.

If you want to send a second contribution, once you have finished (or checked) the first abstract submission (by clicking on the ‘send/save’ button), the system will ask you if you wish to make a second submission (see the button at the bottom of the confirmation screenshot).

The accuracy of the content of the abstracts is the responsibility of the authors. By submitting an abstract, the submitting author accepts the terms and conditions established in this section and implicitly consents the publication of his/her abstract in this site or in other AEET and SIBECOL communication/dissemination media, always mentioning the author's attribution. In this sense, the organization understands that the submitting author has obtained the consent of all the authors who appear as co-signatories in his/her communication and does not accept responsibility for the veracity of the data declared by the submitting author.

Abstracts that are incomplete or received after the deadline will not be considered. Please be sure to submit the final-revised version of your contribution before 17th January 2025 (14:00 h. UTC+1).

Note on the processing of data collected: Please be aware that participation in this call implies that the candidate agrees to transfer to the AEET and SIBECOL the right to use the data contained in your application form, which will only be used for purposes related to the evaluation of proposals and for statistical purposes, participation, evaluation and communication of resolutions and, if your proposal is accepted, for the purposes derived from the dissemination of the program (scientific and activities) of the conference and publications derived from it, all without prejudice to the provisions of the legislation on intellectual property and protection of personal data. In this sense, the Organization understands that the authors who participate in this call for papers have received express consent for the transfer of their data from each of the authors who appear as co-signatories in their proposed contribution.


 Evaluation of Abstracts and acceptance notifications  

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the meeting and may be selected and distributed among the scientific sessions programmed according to the respective themes. 

Although submitters of abstracts may indicate a preference for a particular session and a particular format of presentation, due to the limited amount of time and space available for oral sessions, authors may be asked to accommodate their talks in other session or to give a poster presentation instead of an oral presentation

Acceptation of contributions will be notified as of March, 2025, by e-mail, and will remain pending of formalization until the organization can verify that the presenter is already registered at the meeting and that the corresponding payment has been confirmed. We remind you that each participant can only be in charge of one presentation, either in oral or poster format, unless he/she has made a second submission to GS1 (focused on inclusivity) or to TS(1)3 (focused on education) to TS(1)3, in which case he/she can present two contributions. Thus, It is not allowed to present a second contribution submitted by a non-registered/non-attending colleague. Registration is a separate process that will be open in March 2025.

Presentations of accepted papers may be scheduled on any day from Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th June. Late cancellations and failures to give scheduled oral presentations are disruptive and leave gaps in the program. Before submitting an abstract, authors should be confident that they will attend the meeting and make the presentation

Information about acceptable portable media formats will be further submitted to the authors.

Thank you very much for participating!!!



