As we see some of our kidnapped brothers and sisters return from Gaza, we thank G‑d for those who have miraculously survived in the lion’s den and we mourn those who have been murdered. Join us in praying that the returnees quickly recover from the physical and emotional trauma they have suffered.
And we are, of course, forever mindful of those who are still being cruelly held captive by terror groups in Gaza and pray for their safe return.
Please click here for our updated prayers list, including those who have returned, those who are no longer with us, and those whose return we continue to pray for.
Israel has paid a treacherously steep price to bring three young Jewish women home, releasing some 90 terrorists—people charged and convicted with heinous crimes. Convicted Palestinians handed over by Israel in similar lopsided “exchanges” have quickly returned to terror activities, among them the masterminds of the Oct. 7 massacre.
And so as we welcome back those so brutally taken, we continue to pray for the welfare of the IDF soldiers, the wisdom of Israel’s leaders, and for the safety and security of all of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, who are under constant threats by those who seek to harm us.
May G‑d protect them and all Jews wherever they are and bring peace to the entire world.
Recite Chapter 20 of Psalms
The Team