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Ω - V

by Ainsoph

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Home 04:52
As we drove off into the nothingness. This joyless world seemed fine for now. Purgatory is my harbour. For the abyss did not dare to gaze back. All fury rushed when it called me a dog. It's voices were many. Hours flew by as we spoke. And when your face started shifting shapes. All of the mouths opened up, I did not dare to look inside. It was the black void. As we drove home into the nothingness. This joyless world seemed fine for now. Purgatory is my harbour. For the abyss was the one who gazed back in fear. Home is but a timeless dream. Home is fire, hiding like a coward in the smoke.
Malkuth 02:23
And there was a plan. She longed for the road, like she did for no man. She is the void.
Spiral 05:13
Our turbulent ways have never been so unified. Until now I never knew what emptiness was. I am a human vacuum, never gratified. Both empty and full still draining out all life. Come into the spiral. My innards taste like a thousand smokes. I cannot wait any longer Counting the days and counting the hours The road gets clearer as the sun stops shining. Come into the spiral. Vortices stretching far across the land. The process is undeniable. These waves, they stretch so far and wide.
I didn't realise the hardships, as I took the long road. As the sigil was torched, South seemed the only way I could go from that point on. There is no end to the long road. We can walk with fire, instead of burning up. And set on flames everything we pass by, if that could stop us from scorching ourselves. Our victory could be threefold. We could drink from the top of the mountain. The abyss doesn't seem to get any darker, but outwards is not the way we should move. Flesh. Blood. Fire. No end in sight. As I took the long road. As I chose this long, endless road.
There is no light below the surface. Nothing to follow but the disgust of the flesh. Get on your elbows. Get on your knees. Get on the level with your fellow hound. You will never break the cycle. There is no light below the surface. Nothing to follow but the disgust of the flesh. You are less than a beast. You will believe there is no light below the surface. Nothing to follow but the disgust of the flesh. Hearing your name in a voice you despise. You will never break the cycle. I will see you in my dreams. You will see me in your nightmares.


A new entity spawned in the ever fertile Dutch Underground, Ainsoph initiates its journey into the abyss and yonder with "Ω - V", a six-track endeavor manifested through enthralling sounds, sonic leitmotifs conjuring the void which consumes humanity towards the endlessness. Mesmerizing via its wistful, kaleidoscopic atmosphere, "Ω - V" is brutally intense yet not by matter of its musical traits. Ainsoph captures a visceral aura, utterly magickal and powerfully intimate by summoning an aural vacuum on which a wide musical pallet – like the lawless nothingness – devours all strict, humane notions of stylistic borders. Indeed, "Ω - V" covers a wide of spectrum of influences, ranging from Black Metal to Post-Punk, Progressive and Jazz elements, yet its audial magick echoes throughout the organic, natural feel, with no components – however aesthetically antagonistic they may seem – feeling out of place, portraying an ensemble bigger than the sum of its parts. The clean, sort of "alien" production suits the six tomes flawlessly as the intricate, virtuous interlacing of guitar tracks evolve and mix each other in a vortex of electric discharges that escort the astonishing, ethereal female vocals, carrying the fire, blood and flesh of every sung line. From up-tempo grooves to blast-beating banishments, "Ω - V"’s rhythmic section whirls on a waltz of time changes, a pulsing beat that is ambitious in its precision yet constantly effortless in its arranging, never falling into shallow presumption.

Out through Wolves of Hades on a limited Vinyl edition, "Ω - V" is a unique experience, a record which promises to draw the listener into a pathway leading to time without end, where everything and nothing meet in ecstasy.

(text by Mário Souto)


released February 2, 2020

T.D. - Guitar / Bass / Keys
I.V. - Vocals
M.T. - Drums

Recorded & Mixed by G.M.
Mastered by J.S.
Artwork by K.v.H.


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Ainsoph Amsterdam, Netherlands

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