
John Irving to attend the Jerusalem International Writers Festival

‘I was pro-Israel in 1981, and I’m not less pro-Israel now,’ says acclaimed novelist.

What causes bookworms to digest old books?

The same thing that attracts silverfish to old books causes celiac disease, say scientists.

Acclaimed Jewish-American novelist Paul Auster dies at 77

Auster’s work straddles the divide between the middlebrow and the highbrow.

Bar Sagi at 14

Bar Sagi: The late Israeli teen poet who died of bone cancer

During her last years, Bar Sagi wrote 25 poems documenting her journey, her illness, and her remarkable life force. This collection was published posthumously as See Me Soar and Spread My Wings.

'Courageous Chicken': Ba'al teshuva goes warrior chicken

Themes of failure, insecurity, courage, rising to new heights, and self-confidence are explored throughout this book.

'The Vatican and Me': One man's journey to find divine treasures

The Vatican and Me is an object lesson in perseverance in the face of seemingly intractable indifference. An inspiring tale of Harry Moskoff's journey.

'On Her Own': The gripping new novel by Lihi Lapid

Lihi Lapid is a writer and activist for disability rights. She is married to Israeli politician Yair Lapid, currently the leader of the opposition.


'Our Names Do Not Appear': Struggles with grief without closure

Although this is a memoir, one needs to be prepared for flights of imagination that were part of her hopes that never materialized.

'The Passover Protocols': An excerpt of an Israeli historical-espionage thriller

Israeli agent Maya Rimon takes on the dark world of white supremacy and antisemitism, with encounters with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, white nationalists, Russian conspiracists, and the mob.


Oren Kessler awarded Sami Rohr Prize for 'Palestine 1936,' receives $100,000

Oren Kessler was praised for his analysis of the Middle East conflict. George Rohr highlights authors' contributions to Jewish literature. Debra Goldberg extends congratulations.

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