Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian Authority is the official governing body of the Palestinian territories and is recognized by all countries that recognize a Palestinian state.

Based in Ramallah, it is currently run by President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah Party. 

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As Palestinian Authority’s fiscal struggle deepens, citizens feel the pain

The financial crisis faced by PA public servants is has reached a critical point. Since August 2022, they haven't received full salaries, leaving them uncertain and unprepared for what lies ahead.


Senior PA official claims that US humanitarian port is 'plot to expel Gazans,' 'annex Gaza'

Mahmoud Al-Habbash is chairman of the Supreme Council for Sharia Justice for the PA and Supreme Sharia Judge.

 Museb Hassan Yousef, also known as the Green Prince, seen at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference

'Palestine depends on destruction of Israel,' says Green Prince at 'Post' Conference

Mossab Hassan Yousef, son of a Hamas co-founder, argues that Palestine’s existence depends on Israel's destruction and criticizes the Palestinian Authority's threat to Israel.

The problem with the Washingtonian, Western offers to end the conflict

THE MAIN problem with all the above concepts coming out of the Washingtonian and Western European laundromat is that they sideline the most important strategic goal - Israel's victory.

Demonstrators wave Palestinian flags at the entrance of the Egyptian embassy, in Athens, Greece

Over 40% of West Bank Palestinians support violent 'resistance' to establish statehood

Only slightly more respondents said they supported peaceful political action to establish a political state (44.5%) over violent military resistance (40.8%). A further 14.7% declined to answer.

 Palestinians at the site of a destroyed police car after it was hit from an Israeli airstrike

The Abraham Accords nations influence Gaza in post-Hamas 'Day After' plan

No plan for a “day after” in Gaza can be properly formulated, planned, and agreed upon without knowing the exact facts on the ground when the battle has ended.


It's ironic, but Netanyahu, Smotrich, and Ben-Gvir will be the founders of Palestine

A viable Palestinian state is essential, not only as a response to the Palestinian aspiration for self-determination but as the only possible option to stabilize the region.


Netanyahu's way of governance leads to unilateral recognition of Palestinian state

Israel must repudiate Netanyahu’s lack of statesmanship, which is leading Western countries to recognize a Palestinian state that could become a real Hamastan.


Palestinian PM: European countries are encouraged to recognize Palestinian state

"This is again hopefully a source of encouragement for these countries to take the necessary courageous step,"  Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority Mohammad Mustafa said.


Palestinian Authority on verge of fiscal collapse as Smotrich withholds funds

The World Bank warned that the fiscal situation of the PA has "dramatically worsened in the last three months, significantly raising the risk of a fiscal collapse."

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