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Col. Douglas Macgregor | PBD Podcast | Ep. 283. War in Ukraine and my thoughts on the Capitalist Corporate Western Evil Empire and the biggest lie we are told.

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Col. Douglas Macgregor | PBD Podcast | Ep. 283

In this Episode, Col. Douglas Macgregor joins PBD and Tom. They discuss Russia, Ukraine, the woke military, the Trump Tape, China, and much more. Douglas Mac…

This is a great interview I agree with many positions of Col. Douglas Macgregor,for example his position on China when he says China has internal problems and they are more focused on holding power internally than starting war.. Talk about threats to Taiwan is one big exaggeration. He speaks about China’s navy and how much weaker is it compared to the US. All that talk about China being a threat is just lies and fear mongering to justify US offensive actions against China, it’s the same nonsense like saying Russia is a threat to Europe. But I do not agree with Col. Douglas Macgregor when he says the West can’t win a conventional war against Russia. To give you example, Bradleys that were given to Ukraine possibly do not even possess thermal vision capabilities, as these are the oldest examples of this type of vehicle which the US would have scrapped anyway. So the US just gave these to Ukraine to reduce its costs of getting rid of them and not really to help Ukraine win, Another example, the US possess 4000 Abrams tanks which are in storage in case of war. If the US was really bent on making sure Ukraine wins they would supply half of them, that is  2000 Abrams tanks. The same can be said for F-16 promised to Ukraine. The example being sent are the oldest versions of the plane and would have been scraped also so to reduce costs. If they want Ukraine to win they would have sent F-15, F-35, B-52, AWACS, predator drones etc. In case of military conflict between NATO and Russia or even just the European part of NATO and Russia, the West would immediately establish complete Air superiority and literally obliterate the Russian military from the a air. The West has problems with providing military equipment like artillery shells it is not organized for this kind of war. NATO has tons of bombs and air to ground missiles because they are cheaper than artillery and ground to ground rockets since in case of air munitions transportation is provided by planes so delivering the same size of payload via bomb or air to ground missiles costs a lot less than delivering same payload via ground to ground rockets And artillery. Because most Western military production capacity focuses on this type of munitions which can’t be used by Ukraine since it does not possess the planes and what planes it has cannot use  western munitions. That’s why it wants acquire Western planes like F-16, even if they are old models, but nonetheless, they possess the capability of using air munitions which Western armies have tons in stock.

In case of a conventional military conflict between the West and Russia even taking in consideration that Russia has the best ground to air defenses and system in world the air advantage of the West would quickly establish complete air superiority all over the Ukraine. But this scenario will never happen because Putin knows that and he said that in such case he would treat it as an existential threat and he would just use nuclear weapons against those parts of Ukraine to force the West to stop. The West would had to respond with its own nuclear weapons and that would be end of the world that’s why NATO intervention and conflict between NATO and Russia is not rational. But talk that NATO would lose conventional conflict against Russia is just absurd.

Another big misconception that is pushed in this interview is the biggest lie of all of that the West should focus on internal affairs and stop intervening in the world to get stronger. That is the stupid position Trump pushing for. He was criticized for this by people saying that he does not understand how the world truly works. It was well explained in one of my posts based on an interview by Christian Parenti, son of Michael Parenti on the Jimmy Dore show:

True story of Trump “akin to a toddler with a hammer going through the living room hitting stuff” this is how the real world looks like.

“I think fundamentally you know pulling back from all the details. It’s like they also had a problem, which is what do you tell the public? Like how do you explain this to the children? Are you going to say okay folks this guy’s nuts and he threatens the American Empire. You know the American Empire is this very important thing for reproducing this system, that is you know screwing people all over the world economically right, that this is how this system of inequality that you all experience is is reproduced and we have to maintain it in the interests of Corporate America and capitalist ruling classes globally.”

Christian Parenti explained  how Trump, does not understand that for example NATO is not what we are told which is that it is a security alliance, but a way for the US to achieve control over Europe and the rest of the world. The US and overall corporate West can’t just simply stop meddling in world affairs because it’s whole existence depends on controlling and oppressing the world. People who talk about the US stopping in intervening in world affairs and just simply focusing on internal affairs don’t understand that the whole Capitalist Corporate Western Evil Empire which is based on  control and which is achieved through meddling in other countries internal affairs. If that Empire would stop meddling in world affairs it would collapse. People like Trump and Col. Douglas Macgregor by saying that this empire should stop meddling  and focus on internal affairs don’t understand that the Capitalist Corporate Western Evil Empire would in such a case collapse.


At some point Col. Douglas Macgregor speaks about the collapse of Communism in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and says of course it collapsed because it was bad and inefficient. For anyone holding the same view I would suggest educating themselves about what US and Nixon did in 70’ before the collapse of USSR by abolishing the gold standard for the US dollar and the creation of OPEC and the petrodollar. In the 70s US and the West lost the economic war against USSR and should have collapsed but this did not happen thanks to OPEC and the petrodollar which later gave an unfair economic advantage to the West and US and allowed them to print money in excess without risk of inflation which later caused the collapse of the USSR. I am not supporting the USSR communist state fully because it was a partially authoritarian but can someone explain to me how at the end of WW2 the US was holding 80% of the world’s wealth and with the passing of time during the cold war that advantage shrank? If Communism in the USSR was so inefficient and socialism was so bad, how come the West’s economic advantage after WW2 didn’t grow but shrank?


For any liberal and capitalist saying socialism is inefficient and bad I have a question for which none could answer me.


If socialism is so bad and so inefficient, can anyone tell me why every time someone tried to introduce a socialist state, that state was sanctioned into the ground, into the stone age by Capitalism Corporate Evil Empire, so in other words the West. If socialism is so bad and so inefficient it would collapse and go bankrupt on its own so why every time someone tried it they got sanctioned to prevent fair competition between capitalist system and socialist system?


If someone is interested how hidden oppression of the world by Capitalist Corporate Western Evil Empire works I suggest a great interview with Matt Kennard where explains the World Bank and other hidden institutions constituting that Evil Empire. It also explains why the West can’t stop meddling in World affairs because those instruments are needed for that Empire’s existence.

“Knowledge will make you be free.”
― Socrates
“Knowledge isn’t free. You have to pay attention.”
― Richard P. Feynman
“Freedom is not free, you need to pay attention.”
― Grzegorz Ochman

Did you paid enough attention?


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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July 2, 2023

So. Bottom line… Evil Empire will continue to meddle until there is a collapse or a war that will kick it into the dustbin of history. Sounds about as rational as it gets when dealing with gun-toting lunatics.

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